I need it! Below are the T-Mobile APN settings for Android devices, including Smartphones, Tablets and Smartwatches. Hi will this also work for the high speed data allotment. 13 About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright . The mobile data problem could be for the reason that you have the wrong APN settings in place. To configure/set ASSURANCE WIRELESS APN on your iPhone/iPad, go to. Changing the APN type shouldn't disconnect you from the network. Android. For the Data APN, double-check and adjust the following settings. To apply these settings on your Android device, follow the below given steps: Open Settings thus. These settings will work for all android devices (i.e. I'm glad this worked. Samsung provides an Internet+MMS radio button to select. If above steps to reset the APN did not work, you can manually enter the APNs: The steps to reset your APN to default vary by the Android version of your device. Wish this experience help. The next step is to enter the APN settings below. This post was last modified on October 31, 2022 10:07 PM, BLU Phones 2023| Android 14 update Phones List or Download, BuY BLU F91 5G Phone at $229 | BLU S91 Pro, BuY BLU G91 Max at $229.99 | AirTalk Wireless, New BLU Phones > BLU F91 | Apple iPhone Tips, New Samsung Mobiles 2023 | Apple Cup 2023, All Rights Reserved to BLUCellPhones.us | Privacy Policy | About Us | Contact Us, Assurance Wireless Data Not Working iPhone & Android. 11 Enter Internet information. Look for the option to add new APN. When Assurance Wireless or T-Mobile detects a threat, we will attempt to prevent it from spreading across the T-Mobile network using a variety of security measures, which may include rerouting or limiting some traffic over our network until the threat is resolved. Next . To get the best experience, youll need to set up your phone with the correct APN settings for T-Mobile. Assurance Wireless Plans 2021 - Add-on Plans. Then enter the new APN Settings. And follow next instructions. T-Mobile Assurance Wireless is a Lifeline Assistance program that provides free and low-cost wireless services to eligible customers in the United States. APN Settings for Android. Hi, I am Mohammad Mohsin. In the new access point name, fill the banks according to the following table (APN Fields). I tried this after I consumed all 7 Gbytes of tethering, confirmed speed reduced to near zero with T mobile phone. E. g. the latest models can support LTE 4G connections, which will allow you to download data up to 40 or 50 mbps, meaning you can watch a high definition or even 4K video on your phone. To enable MMS on your iPhone; go toSettings> Mobile/Cellular Data > Cellular Mobile Data Network> APN. Find and select the option to add a new APN. Dial 611. wireless apn hack this is an app which specifies the assurance wireless services and plan follow existing conversations or to offer. This are the correct APN Settings for your T-Mobile (USA) phone. Cuz Your thing don't work, I tried so many ways with 3 different galaxy note 4s and invested 3 hours and feel like your thing is totally wasting of time. An Access Point Name (APN) is the name of a gateway between a mobile network (GSM, GPRS, 3G, 4G and 5G) and another computer network, frequently the public Internet.. A mobile device making a data connection must be configured with an APN to present to the carrier. Thanks Q Link!' Nikki, WI 'Q Link's service never lets me down. Thanks. Better it hard hack current phone to get help you can i gave them, i called them, usually the fields. Oh, when I say working without reduced speed is : WIFI hotspot, NOT USB TETHERING !!!! Then started working perfect. What is APN Settings for Assurance Wireless?APN stands for Access Point Name. Offer limited to eligible customers residing in selected geographic areas, is non-transferable, and only one wireless or wireline discounted Lifeline service is available per household. Change the other fields as below. Proxy: Some mobile carriers use this setting to set up a proxy between the network and the internet, much like a proxy on a computer. Once you have entered the values, save them and restart your device. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Tap RESET SETTINGS again. Fill in the details below; Save the settings and restart your iPhone. APN orAccess Point Nameis a gateway between a mobile GSM, GPRS, 3G and 4G mobile network and another computer, frequently the public Internet. Assurance Wireless APN Internet Settings iPhone, How to input Assurance Wireless APN/MMS Settings on iPhone, Assurance Wireless APN Internet Settings Android, Assurance Wireless MMS Settings Android, How to input Assurance Wireless APN & MMS Settings on Android, how to configure the internet settings on various devices, 5 reasons Why You Should Get a 5G Phone in 2023, Visible Wireless APN Internet Settings iPhone & Android (2023), Top 9 Ways to Fix Missed Call Notifications Not Showing Up on iPhone (2023), SafeLink Wireless APN Settings USA (2023), MMS Max Message Size:(leave this unchanged), Mobile virtual network operator type: None, Mobile virtual network operator value: Not set. Select New APN. You can simply configure APN settings for all iPhone models (iPhone 4, 5, iPhone 6, 6+, 6S, iPhone 7, 7s, and the iPhone 8,9, 10, X 11, 12, 13, 14 iPad Mini, Pro) devices. Remove the case from the device. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. READERS: This is working as of 05/xx/19. This method of APN settings for Apple devices (iPhone and iPad) will work for most iPhone models like (iPhone 5, iPhone 6, 6+, 6S, iPhone 7, 7s, and the iPhone 8,9, 10, X 11, 12, iPad Mini, Pro). Please continue the guide if you still cannot go online. View and edit your APN settings Help Me Find My Device ID. Cellular DataAPNinternetUsernameBlankPasswordsBlank, LTE Setup (Optional)APNinternetUsernameBlankPasswordsBlank, MMSAPNwapUsernameBlankPasswordsBlankMMSCunchangedMMS ProxyunchangedMMS Message SizeunchangedMMS UA Prof URLunchanged. to and from a mobile phone over a cellular network. APN changer How to change the APN Settings on your phone, Boost mobile Apn settings step by step guide, Apn Settings Bell Mobility Setup for Android, iPhone and BlackBerry, apn settings Telus Mobility Step by Step configuration for Android, iPhone and Blackberry, Rogers APN Settings Configuration for Android, Blackberry and iPhone, Telekom.de APN Settings APN info and Step by Step configuration, BSNL APN Settings Dummy proof setup guide, BT MOBILE APN Settings Quick Setup Guide, at&t apn settings Step by Step Configuration, Consumer Cellular APN Settings Step by Step Configuration, Family Mobile APN Settings Step by Step Configuration, Freedompop APN Settings Step by Step Guide, GoSmart APN Settings Step by Step Configuration, MetroPCS APN Settings Step by Step Configuration, Pure Talk APN Settings Detail Configuration Guide, Red Pocket Mobile APN Settings Step by Step Configuration, Sprint APN Settings Step by Step Configuration, Total Wireless APN Settings Quick Setup guide, Verizon Apn Settings Easy configuration Guide. Android device data settings. The basic APN settings for Assurance Wireless on Android are the same for all devices. In Settings, look under Wireless & Networks or tap the Connections tab. Tap Settings. I hope that the APN settings shown below will resolve your devices T Mobile data not working issue. If you can view the APN settings, change them by tapping each field and entering the information supplied by your carrier. Down below is the updated and correct APN Settings for your T-Mobile Network. There will be a menu button or an 'add' button. Tap Connections. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Serving you top step-by-step Tech guides, articles, and tutorials to solve issues. Are you searching for how to enable MMS in ASSURANCE WIRELESS for iPhone? I'll find out tonight. Click Menu > Reset to Default to restore your APN settings. Were you able to get past your tethering limit with this trick, or do you have a different method to bypass it? Calling & Contacts. Then, enter the values below. Assurance Mobile Data Problem: It provides free cell phones, call time, and texts to eligible users under the government benefits program. Allow hands-free activation to connect the device to the Assurance Wireless network. If available, tap the T-Mobile US LTE APN (the bullet point fills with green). If you have any question, leave a comment below. Learn how to set APN on iPhone. If so, its highly advisable to change your APN settings manually, as only so will you able to get the most out of your service. To set/configure ASSURANCE WIRELESS APN on your android, go to. Settings > Mobile Data > Mobile Data Network. Your phone's APN settings can be changed from the Mobile Networks section in your Settings app. Tryna do it on my galaxy s4 but I just lose my connection completely, can someone help me please? Thereafter, leave all the empty fields as they are given by your phone. Spent all night watching movies on Hotspot data and went 4gb over my limit and it still works. It has almost 1 million subscribers/users in United States. If your T-Mobile data isnt working, try updating your APN settings. We have also provided ways how to configure the internet settings on various devices, i.e Android and iPhone. To program your Android TM device with the correct settings: Tap your Settings menu. The only downside is, when sharing data through a mobile hotspot (tethering), T-Mobile imposes a 5 GB limit (which was recently upped to 7 GB for some). Thanks for your reply, and sorry for my belated response. window.__mirage2 = {petok:"YgJTgglrtTeYiZN7j4lrNzSBLzPWCXXdTKoQ8a2EXIo-1800-0"}; My best guess is that when you "pay" for the higher speed service , they just edit the APN and add the other associated permissions. This way the new settings will surely override the old ones and stick. Tap Cellular Data Network. Assurance Wireless & QLink Wireless are a few of the popular networks that gained popularity during the Covid-19 pandemic as they are prominent telephone service players in offering government-supported LifeLine programs. Your email address will not be published. Therefore, lets see how to enjoy the fastest T-Mobile network speeds and the strongest signals on your Assurance Wireless plan. A confirmation message will display when complete. "duh"Lmao. Also, could you attach a screenshot of your APN settings. From the Settings menu, look under Backup and reset. You may see a pop-up message during Setup wizard in the first boot up the SIM card was freshly inserted on the device and the APN is not set yet. Required fields are marked *. Consider using these if the above APN settings did not work or for other phones like Windows and Basic Phones. Tap Mobile Networks, then Access Point Names. Does it just stop calculating after 7GB? Assurance Wireless runs on Virgin Mobile network and therefore the Virgin Mobile APN settings given in this page are compatible with Assurance Wireless. Follow the appropriate steps for your OS: If a PIN, Password, or Fingerprint has been enabled, enter it. on your Android phone, you should check your APN settings and change them if necessary. Step 3: Create APN (Optional) If you can't edit APNs, you will have to create a new one by tapping the + icon at the top of the screen. Here we will provide automatic and manual APN configuration for Life Wireless (Life Line ). Sometimes due to several reasons, an outage occurs and it's difficult to resolve the issues. This are the correct APN Settings for your T-Mobile (USA) phone. Just fill the bold items only and keep the rest of the fields unchanged. Save the settings, ensure that you are in a supported coverage area, and Restart your iPhone for the settings to take effect. In this tutorial, I will provide how to set APN (APN - Access Point Name) /internet/hotspot settings and MMS in Assurance Wireless for Android, iPhone, and modem 2023. After entering all of your information, hit the saves from the home button. In the new access point name, fill the blanks according to the following table (APN Fields). Go slow and ADD a secondary APN. After finishing the above settings, you should be all Set. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); Copyright 2023 | APN Settings | All Rights Reserved | Powered by wikilogy, Assurance Wireless APN Settings for Android & iPhone 2022. Sprint APN Settings: Name: Sprint; APN: cinet.spcs . Access Point Name. This post will show you how to change the latest up-to-date T Mobile APN settings for Android, iOS. Windows users, here are the steps you need to follow to change your APN settings. You can change your APN settings right after you activate your device or later on. Need to fix the data on your phone? The APN is what's presented to your carrier when your smartphone tries to establish a data connection, so by adding a new entry into it, you'll be able to bypass the tethering restriction. Samsung provides an Internet+MMS radio button to select. Tap Mobile networks. They have almost 1 million users in The United States. If the above methods do not work you can troubleshoot your device. If your device doesn't have either option, contact your carrier. Discover and save the best articles, join the conversation and stay up to date with the latest industry news with our website. For iPhone or iPad: in the main Screen go to Setup, General, Network and you will see Mobile Data. Required fields are marked *. Find your iPhone's Device ID. Let me know in the comment section. Use Assurance Wireless APN settings to get 4G & 5G internet speed on your device. Now, follow the easy steps below to configure APN settings: Thats it: the most recent T Mobile access point name settings for Android phones, iPhones (iOS devices), and Windows Phones. But is not limited with unlocked Galaxy note 4 (transferred from AT&T). The acronym APN stands for access point name.. Sprint 4G APN Settings For Android Go To: Settings >> Connections >> Mobile Networks >> Access Point Names no luck configuring Qlink phone with t-mobile APN. I'm using Proxy Server from Ice Cold Apps, the free version. APN settings for your phone, here is how to manually set up a new APN Settings (Config) for any of the network providers mentioned below: Updated APN Settings For T-Mobile In 2023, http://mms.msg.eng.t-mobile.com/mms/wapenc, Updated APN settings for AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, Sprint ( +4 More), Battery Not Charging On MacBook Pro How To Fix It, How To Enable Incognito Mode In Google Chrome, APN: Fast.t-mobile.com (for LTE devices) or epc.tmobile.com (for non-LTE devices), MMSC: http://mms.msg.eng.t-mobile.com/mms/wapenc, APN Type: default,supl,mms OR Internet+MMS. Configure a proxy server is very easy with this application. Account Help - Assist Wireless Customer Support Check Balance & Refill Customer login (855) 392-7747 info@assistwireless.com Customer Service Hours Mon-Fri | 10am-6pm CT Sat & Sun | Closed Home Account Help Account Help We value our customers and we are happy to answer your questions. If you are filling out the Assurance Wireless APN settings ensure that you fill in all the sections as given above i.e MMS, MMSC, MMS proxy e.t.c. Press ADD if it isnt already there. Tap the option labeled Access Point Names, then select the T-Mobile APN currently in use. T-Mobile 4G APN Settings. They are under no obligation to activate a phone on their network that they did not sell. MMS Multimedia Messaging Service is a standard way to send messages that include multimedia content like photos. Tap Mobile networks. Space plus upgradable memory card To enable picture messaging, add these values: Finally, to enable personal hotspot on Assurance Wireless on an iPhone (or iPad), enter the following values in Personal Hotspot (under Cellular/Mobile Data). If you use a samsung device (e. g. Galaxy phones) you will have an option that shows a radio botton internet+MMS please select this one, These are the fastest T-Mobile APN available as of October 2017. If you have problems with your data after following the tmobile APN configuration mentioned in this article, click Reset or Set To Default to restore to the default apn settings.