2022 Commonwealth of Kentucky. KRWA was established in 1979 as a private, non-profit organization by a core group of utility leaders who shared the vision of building aself-governed, member driven association. Participants are encouraged to think through each step of their outreach process and build in measures of success. Through the combination of online learning and classroom training events, you will gain the skills and knowledge you need to become an effective leader in your organization. Presenting classes for bottled water, collection, distribution, treatment, landfarm, landfill and composting operators. By Developing and Communicating Water-Related Solutions and Tools. School and District Report Cards provide detailed information about each school and district, including test performance, teacher qualifications, student safety, awards, parent involvement and much more. The interplay between local, state, and federal authority is briefly explored before taking a more in-depth examination of city and county government structure in Kentucky as well as water-related special districts. In our Pipelines course, students will discover the many important factors of operating, installing or maintaining a water distribution pipeline system. Our Groundwater Wells course is designed to introduce and cover the basic components and operation of groundwater wells along with the fundamentals of maintaining safe drinking water from this types of water source.
Homepage - Kentucky Department of Education Three statewide training and networking events, including a management conference, Outdoor Expo, and the Annual Conference and Exhibition. An Official Website of the Commonwealth of Kentucky, The Certification and Licensing Branch is home to the solid waste, drinking water and wastewater certification programs. Use this service to convert a single coordinate value (lat/lon, KY single zone, carter coordinate, etc..) to 14 different coordinate values. Departments & Units / Courses approved by the Kentucky Department of Environmental Protection. In addition, numerous training activities of KRWA are approved by the Kentucky Public Service Commission for commissioner training hours. It provides an overview of monitoring equipment, parameters, logistics, and site selection. This course willprepare you to passyour entry level water treatment operator exam with confidence and get you started on your way to a successful and satisfying career in water treatment. No stress. Glynn Beck uses the down-hole camera to investigate an abandoned water well drilled into the Lucile fluorspar mine in Marion, Kentucky. In May 2020, Module 4 was presented in a series of webinars. Partners include Kentucky Emergency Management, Department for Local Government, Kentucky Division of Water, US Army Corps of Engineers, Federal Emergency Management Agency, University of Kentucky, insurance agents, local floodplain coordinators, and others. No stress. The watershed planning process is explained in terms of the scientific method and each of the steps in planning data collection and analysis are overviewed. Students complete the program by watching online lectures, reading assigned texts, and submitting assignments online. Kentucky Approved Early Literacy Screening Assessments have met the Kentucky Department of Education established selection criteria for valid and reliable Universal Screening tools. This course willprepare you to passyour 4th level wastewater treatment operator exam with confidence. The Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act and Kentucky mining law requirements are introduced. Glynn Beck and Kathy Takacs sample a monitoring well at the Sugar Creek CO2 enhanced oil recovery project site in Hopkins County. Our Core Values Overview of management for non-point and point sources.
Where We Are | Project Wet There are 32 individual lesson modules included in this course. No worry. A knowledge of the CWAs key requirements will better enable watershed coordinators to offer local guidance and assistance on water quality issues. Submit data or reports to the Division of Water. This course willprepare you to passyour 4th Distributionoperator exam with confidence. This presentation provides a broad overview of agriculture in Kentucky. Our completely online package includes: This course introduces operators to the hydrologic cycle and its effects on the structure and functions of water and wastewater systems. Fax: (502) 564-7092. Discussion of concepts that biologists utilize to evaluate stream health and how biological indicator organisms can be utilized to develop aquatic health indices. Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute, The Clean Water Act & Related Water Quality Laws, Land Use Impacts & Related Best Management Practices, Section 1.1 Activity: Clean Water Act Jeopardy (, 1.2 Activity: Exploring Kentuckys Water Health Portal, Codes for 303(d) List Causes and Sources (, 1.3 Activity: How to Navigate the ECHO System (, 1.4Activity Option #1: Water Quality Conundrums, Option #1Leader Worksheet with Answers (. Basic Water Math, Unit Conversions, Working with [], Pass your test the first time! KWWOA provides training to operators, not only to obtain Continuing Education for re-certification, but to help them remain abreast of water and wastewater industry technology, regulatory requirements and maintain safe operations. Assisting the Kentucky Board of Certification of Water Treatment and Distribution System Operators and the Kentucky Board of Certification of Wastewater System Operators. An overview of the KPDES permitting system including permit types, permit limits, monitoring, and reporting. This course provides an overview of wastewater treatment, including the physical separation of solids, chemical treatment processes, biological processes, and solids treatment and disposal. Additionally, materials for this module will provide coordinators with helpful advice for organizing and conducting effective meetings and using efficient facilitation skills. All rights reserved.Kentucky.gov, A blog of the Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet, Learn or search about and comment on proposed permitting actions and regulation changes. Education; Certificate Program; Utility Management; CA 36-Hour Courses; TEXAS COURSES; Training Hub; FREE RESOURCES; Courses. EPA is building a voluntary, national catalog of organizations involved in protecting local water bodies, including formal watershed alliances, local groups, and schools that conduct activities such as volunteer monitoring, cleanups, and restoration projects. It also presents problems one may expect to encounter with ground water and some solutions or suggestions for help with these problems. We will also look at a number of pump types, including end-suction centrifugal pumps, propeller pumps, turbine pumps, and rotary pumps. There are 22 individual lesson modules included in this course.
Kentucky Department of Education Early Literacy Universal Screener Utilizes Microsoft Office support training to cover topics including, how to filter results, apply conditional formatting, and use pivot tables. The division performs a number of critical functions to help prevent and address problems with water pollution. Published: 2/28/2023 3:32 PM. Kentucky Department of Education. To assist with this need, in 2017, the Kentucky Division of Water provided 319h Nonpoint Source Grant funding to KWRRI to develop six initial training modules for the Kentucky Watershed Academy.
KY Water Operator Training | American Water College The Kentucky Division of Water provides a list of approved laboratories here. Try to visit the site under adverse conditions, such as during heavy rain or meltwater runoff, to observe the drainage characteristics, particularly the condition of the basement. This course willprepare you to passyour entry level Collections System Operator exam with confidence. The presentation also provides some additional detail on the state revolving funds. This presentation reviews results of nationally representative surveys of opinions on water and the environment.
Well Treatment | Environmental & Natural Resource Issues Brief orientation of the Clean Water Act titles and sections relevant to watershed coordinators. This course will provide an overview of water distribution system operation. In this presentation, the mission and activities of the Division of Mine Reclamation and Enforcement (DMRE) are overviewed. Option #2Leader Worksheet with Answers (, LaMotte Macro Mania Adventure Kit is available for purchase at, Importing Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data in Google Earth Desktop (, 233 Mining and Mineral Resources Building. The deadline for renewal is June 30 every two years. You can be added to the program's distribution list by calling the Certification and Licensing Branchat(502) 782-6189, or by emailing.
Kentucky Watershed Academy | University of Kentucky Research Glynn Beck and Steve Webb measure stream flow in South Elkhorn Creek, Fayette County, Ky. A packer test being performed on a road-bed monitoring well in the Cumberland Gap Tunnel, Middlesboro, Ky. Glynn Beck preparing to sample a domestic spring in Breckinridge County. Covers some basic functionality of free mapping software through ArcGIS Online and Google Earth. The Northern Kentucky Solid Waste Management Area provides an overview of their services as an example of the types of services provided by solid waste coordinators in each county. GIS web mapping services and data collection efforts are highlighted as are sanitation district roundtables, Natural Resources and Environmental Protection Advisory Committees, and several example projects. No worry. The goal of this presentation is to assist watershed coordinators and other water managers in developing a monitoring plan that satisfies Kentucky Division of Water requirements for watershed plan development. There are 15 individual lesson modules included in this course. There are 28individual lesson modules included in this course: Basic Water Math,Unit Conversions,Working with Formulas,Understanding [], Pass your test the first time! This course will fulfill 2.5 of your required hours for Kentucky water operators. This course introduces operators to pumping systems, hydraulics, basic pumping terminology, and pump curves. This course continues looking at additional pump types, including reciprocating pumps, metering pumps, and special purpose pumps. There are 16 individual lesson modules included in this course. Case studies from around Kentucky will describe success stories in which various partners worked together to achieve watershed goals. Our water and wastewater training affords the opportunity for certification credit toward the state's water and wastewater operator certification programs. Headquartered in Gold Hill, OR, At Your Pace Online is the premier online educator for a wide range of trades and professions, including auto dealers, contracting, electricians, gas fitters, HVAC operators, insurance, plumbers, real estate, and water operators. Methods for citizens to request inspections or access data are also detailed. This course willprepare you to passyour entry level wastewatertreatment operator exam with confidence and get you started on your way to a successful and satisfying career in wastewatertreatment. The department provides resources and guidance to Kentucky's public schools and districts as they implement the state's K-12 education requirements. In 1996, the Education Committee of the Kentucky Geological Survey, in conjunction with the Kentucky Society of Professional Geologists, established the Earth Science Education Network (ESEN). In this presentation, an overview is provided of quantitative survey questionnaires and qualitative descriptive social research through methods such as interviews, focus groups, and community forums, direct observation, or social mapping.
This course equips electricians and other workers exposed to electrical hazards with knowledge needed to apply safety requirements from the NFPA 70E. by the Kentucky Geological Survey,
This course dives further into piping systems by discussing the smaller components that make piping systems function, including fittings, common and special valves, strainers, filters, traps, and accessories. There are 11 individual lesson modules included in this course. When you register, register for the exam only. This course introduces operators to piping systems and familiarizes them with the larger components that make piping systems function, including metallic and nonmetallic piping, tubing, and hoses. You can search the EPA database by state and then by city to find local groups. While it is not responsible for the quality of the groundwater, it is responsible for monitoring groundwater, providing technical assistance and administering the certification of well drillers. This presentation overviews the EPAs Rapid Bioassessment Protocol for evaluating habitat to relate how closely hydrology, hydraulics, and geomorphology functions can impact biological function. Also, load duration curves are introduced as a helpful visualization of pollutant load. No stress.
Employment Opportunities - KWWOA It covers meeting preparation, execution (including facilitation skills and techniques), how to deal with disruptive behaviors, and meeting follow up.
This presentation provides a practical exploration of the challenges and opportunities for water quality improvement associated with parks and recreation departments. The process of applying for pilot grants is covered in depth with some examples of the types of projects that are funded. These evening sessions include dinner followed by a two-hour speaker presentation that provides continuing-education credit for drinking water operators and PSC-approved hours for water district commissioners. This presentation provides a description of three types of outreach campaign evaluations: process evaluations, impact evaluations, and context evaluations and how these evaluations can be used to evaluate the success of the outreach campaign. No worry. You will learn about surface water treatment regulations, and the basics of treatment processes, coagulation and flocculation, filtration, disinfection, corrosion control, and much more. The roles of the coordinator and technical data scientist are clarified. We provide the powerpoint files for the training to increase the flexibility of use for these training materials. We also discuss sealing devices, including packing and mechanical seals, bearings, lubrication, and installation. From there, we discuss water collection, treatment, and distribution, as well as the physical, chemical, and biological properties of water. Denver, CO Local Partners.
Water, Kentucky Geological Survey, University of Kentucky Ky. Department of Education says it's providing support, not taking There are 13 individual lesson modules included in this course. The Kentucky Water Resources Research Institute (KWRRI) is part of a nationwide association of 54 federally authorized water resource institutes and centers located at land grant universities throughout the United States and its territories. An Official Website of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. Email: KDELIcensure@education.ky.gov. Collection System Design and Layout,Collection Equipment Maintenance,Collection System Maintenance and Repair,Lift Stations,Collection System Testing and Inspections,Collection System Rehabilitation,Collection System Safety,Unit Conversions,Area [], Pass your test the first time! . This presentation covers packaging and delivery of the message by highlighting some of the best Kentucky examples of each media type. If you recently filed a membership application and elected to pay by check, please allow two weeks for us to receive the check and activate your membership, before trying to register for training. For more information on testing your home drinking water see ENRI-202: What You Need To Know About Testing Your Well Water. This is not simplya listen and learn. Basic Water [], Pass your test the first time! LEARN MORE. If you are an employee of a KRWA member company, we invite you to set up an online account to: The members of KRWA invite and encourage you to join! No stress. Their operations, mission, and programs are covered with examples of annual statistics and opportunities for collaboration.
General Well Construction Regulations | Environmental & Natural Introduction to Partnerships and Local Governments. This presentation covers the typical physical measurements, observations, and water quality parameters collected during watershed planning, including stream flow, aesthetic observations, in-situ measurements, and laboratory samples. . Dedicated water industry professionals continue to operate treatment facilities around the nation and are working []. AYPO Tech is the one-stop location for continuing education courses for water operators in Kentucky. 04/18/22 - Pool Markings Focal Point of 2022-23 High School Swimming and Diving Rules Changes. No worry.
Kentucky Operator Certification Program - Kentucky Energy and EPA stakeholder engagement guidance is supplemented with Kentucky specific examples. This presentation primarily focuses on the water quality funding programs while also touching on technical assistance provide by the NRCS. Call KRWA at (270) 843-2291 for more information. DOW has compiled these maps as a service to our customers using information from various sources. This course will fulfill 3 of your required hours for Kentucky water operators. Provides an overview of quality assurance and quality control and leads the participant through the major elements of a quality assurance project plan. This course explains how fluids behave, especially under pressure and in motion. Designed and developed by Crosby Interactive. Emissions Inventory Section, Division for Air Quality. By working together, we can achieve our mission to maintain and enhance our industry as a whole. April 1, 2020. See also: https://www.usgs.gov/special-topic/water-science-school/science/groundwater-wells?qt-science_center_objects=0#qt-science_center_objects, https://eec.ky.gov/Environmental-Protection/Water/Pages/default.aspx. Breaks down some of the nuanced water quality benchmarks and how to best present the data on frequency and magnitude of water quality exceedances. Contacted by the Division of Enforcement?
Expanded Core Curriculum Teacher - Recreation Leader - Kentucky They are often the most visible face and voice of water quality information to local citizens and oversee many and varied watershed education and management activities. These modules provide a strong foundation for watershed coordinators and other water quality professionals to better understand and navigate the wide range of challenges and opportunities they will inevitably confront in their daily efforts to improve water quality in Kentucky. Explains valve selection based on application. Extension / The Kentucky Infrastructure Authority (KIA), under the Office of the Governor and administratively attached to theDepartment for Local Government(DLG), provides financial help in the way of grant and loan assistance to communities for water andwastewaterneeds. We start by detailing the arrangement, scope, and purpose of the document, as well as define common terms. The deadline for renewal is June 30 every two years. var d = new Date();
The Division of Water's regulations are contained in Title 401 Chapters 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and 10 of the Kentucky Administrative Regulations (KAR). During this presentation, the overarching framework of the outreach campaign is established by defining forces, goals, objectives, and behaviors. A registered sanitarian at the Cabinet for Health and Family Services provides an overview of local health department operations with a focus on septic system installation and inspection, as well as waste disposal and pumping. For additional information please contact the Kentucky Division of Water or your local Kentucky certified water well driller. This saying is also true when planning to buy or build a house. No stress. Frankfort, KY 40601 Get Directions phone (502) 564-3410 About The Division of Water is charged with the responsibility for managing and protecting the state's waters, both on the surface in lakes, streams and rivers as well as groundwater beneath the surface of the land in the state. At Your Pace Online's CE courses are approved by the State to provide continuing education hours to water operators who need to renew their license. The presentation describes the job responsibilities and regulations that apply to planning with an emphasis on the Comprehensive Plan, ordinances, and planning studies. There are 28individual lesson modules included in this course: Basic Water Math,Unit Conversions,Working with Formulas,Understanding [], Pass your test the first time! If you have a question on what classification of operator your drinking water, wastewater or solid waste facility is required to have or any other staffing requirements, contact the Kentucky Division of Water at (502) 564-3410 or the Kentucky Division of Waste Management at (502) 564-6716. 06/11/22- Kopser, Gloyd Named 2021-22 Midway/KHSAA Student-Athletes of the Year. The Kentucky Department of Education is a service agency of the Commonwealth of Kentucky. No worry. Additional information will be given regarding other relevant water quality laws and regulations, such as those pertaining to logging and farming, stormwater controls, safe drinking water (SDWA), mining (SMCRA), superfund sites (CERCLA), waste disposal (RCRA) and the protection of endangered species (ESA). The eligibility and assistance provided for specific practices are detailed. Earn your certificate in Effective Utility Management through American water College in partnership with California State University, Fresno. Vertical, horizontal, lateral, and temporal dimensions of the stream are discussed in turn. Basic Water Math,Unit Conversions,Working with Formulas,Understanding Percentages,Calculating Area,Calculating Volume ,Weight VolumeRelationships,Force-Pressure-Head,Velocity and Flow Rate,Pumps,The Metric System,Problem Solving,Math and Treatment Review,Wastewater Flow Problems,Preliminary [], Pass your test the first time! Is there something that needs investigating? The Certification Program does not administer facility requirements. Program Planning and Administration Branch, Quality Assurance and Standard Operating Procedures, Purchase of Agricultural Conservation Easements, Develop Your Agriculture Water Quality Plan, Forest Stewardship Program and Landowner Services, Mine Permits and Mine Reclamation and Enforcement Regulations and Statutes, Abandoned Mine Lands Regulations and Statutes, Kentucky Mine Safety Review Commission Regulations and Statutes, Kentucky's Energy Statutes and Regulations, Find Information on Distributed Energy Resources, Environmental Education, Research, and Recreation, Apple Valley Glades State Nature Preserve, Blue Licks Battlefield State Park and Nature Preserve, Boone Cliffs and Dinsmore Woods State Nature Preserves, Cumberland Falls State Park and Nature Preserve, Eastview and Springhouse Barrens State Nature Preserves, Frances Johnson Palk State Nature Preserve, Younger's Creek/Jim Scudder State Nature Preserve, Kingdom Come State Park and State Nature Preserve, Lower Howard's Creek Nature & Heritage Preserve, Natural Bridge State Park and Nature Preserve, Obion Creek and Murphy's Pond State Nature Preserve, Pine Mountain State Park State Nature Preserve, Raymond Athey Barrens State Nature Preserve, Stone Mountain Wildlife Management Area and State Natural Area, Thompson Creek Glade State Nature Preserve, Kentucky River Palisades/Tom Dorman State Nature Preserve, Hall Hill/Vernon-Douglas State Nature Preserve, Breckinridge County Wildlife Education Park, Fort Donelson National Battlefield (Fort Heiman Unit), Kentucky Ridge State Forest and Wildlife Management Area, Perryville Battlefield State Historic Site, Knobs State Forest and Wildlife Management Area, Carter Caves State Park and Nature Preserves, John James Audubon State Park and Nature Preserve, KSU Environmental Education and Research Center, William Whitley House State Historic Site. Ways to think about approaching landowners as potential clients and meet their needs while also improving the water quality are discussed with numerous example projects. We will also look at a number of pump types, including end-suction centrifugal pumps, propeller pumps, turbine pumps, and rotary pumps. This course willprepare you to passyour secondlevel water treatment operator exam with confidence. Contacted by the Division of Enforcement? It also provides some brief considerations about data quality levels. Summary of KDFWRs Kentucky Wetland and Stream Mitigation Programs history and operation, service areas, projects, and requirements. Provides examples of types of water quality standards. 300 Sower Boulevard ThirdFloor Frankfort , KY 40601 United States. How to brand a program is briefly overviewed, and then. Pumps and Motors is a course that details the types, components of and the proper maintenance steps for water pumps and the motors that drive them. This presentation focuses of the Water and Environmental Programs (WEP) and Community Facilities (CF) program objectives, applicants, purposes, types of financial assistances, and rates and terms. Examples of structural and non-structural BMPs are described with some attention to municipal stormwater pollution control requirements. The Kentucky Water and Wastewater Operators Association (KWWOA) is a statewide not-for-profit association that offers over 150 hours of continuing education training every year throughout the Commonwealth! OW provides guidance, specifies scientific methods and data collection requirements, performs oversight and facilitates communication among those involved. Basic Water Math,Unit Conversions,Working with [], Pass your test the first time! This is a six-month online certificate program. This is a one-year online certificate program. Special site-specific training on request. Learn and search about various permits and certifications within the division. Some of the special districts within conservation districts are explained. 4777 National Western Drive CSU Spur Denver , CO 80216 United States.
Stormwater & Flooding - City of Berea will be provided, along with a description of the types of programs and services offered. Kentucky Division of Water. Examples of successful evaluations measures are provided. In an overview of the University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service, this presentation covers the land-grant mission and history, the structure of extension and its programs, services and resources for watershed projects, and the best ways to work with extension. Some example projects and ideas for partnerships are discussed. Kentucky Water Operators must complete between 12 and 24 hours of continuing education every two years in order to renew their water certification. This module helps participants organize and interpret water quality data for effective communications in planning documents, outreach publications and informational presentations. Many of the conditions discussed in this book, such as lowered well-water levels, flooded basements, and contamination from septic systems, are so common that rural families often have to deal with one or more of them. Typical targeted pollutants for urban BMPs are discussed with the concepts of green versus gray infrastructure introduced.
KY Department for Environmental Protection Electronic Submittals - Kentucky Earn your certificate in Water Transmission Technology through American Water College in partnership with California State University, Fresno. All files associated with this page are copyrighted 1997
This course willprepare you to passyour collection system operator exam with confidence. The Kentucky Agriculture Water Quality Plan requirements and enforcement are also considered.