The son of John J. Yelenic Sr. and Mary Lois Swasy. When he met Michele Kamler, he thought he'd finally found the woman of his dreams. Almost immediately Craig saw blood all over the entry hall on the floor, high up on the walls, even close to the entry hall light switch. Horseshoe Lake, Mammoth, Isherwood saw what looked like a blood smear on the handle of the back door. Foley had been publicly heard bashing his girlfriend's ex, and multiple people close to him reported that he wished death on John. Carlton Smith (1947-2011) was the coauthor of the New York Times bestseller The Search for the Green River Killer: The True Story of Americas Most Prolific Serial Killer with Toms Guilln, about the crimes of Gary Ridgway. Dentist John Yelenic is thrilled when he meets the love of his life, Michelle. Introducing Justia Connect, a free membership with exclusive savings for lawyers like you At this free event, author, documentary filmmaker, criminal consultant Andrea Nearpas and TOM JENNINGS: Do anything . I was just honored and feeling blessed that someone would take an interest in highlighting (us), Jean said. See Yelenic v. Clark, 922 A.2d 935, 936 (Pa. Super. As we walked into the house, you could feel this heavy, pulling energy of sadness. It was first used in the 2006 murder of Blairsville dentist John Yelenic. Tracey made cold-blooded, detailed plans and then followed through with them, killing an innocent young neighbor in a set up of her ex to keep full custody of her son. Details. She wanted to make up for her earlier disbelief, even if she had to tear the Pennsylvania State Police apart piece by piece to do it. The 15th annual Dr. John Yelenic Memorial Day 5K Run/Walk is set for May 30 in Blairsville. She was beautiful, intelligent, and seemed to want all the same things out of life as he did. It wasn't clear whether anyone else was still in the house at that point--another victim, or even the killer.After clearing the upstairs rooms and finding nothing unusual, Isherwood returned to the first floor. On June 1, 2009, Foley was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. An altercation ensued in which Foley attacked Yelenic with his fists and then a knife. Got a correction? Some thought they heard two men shouting in the early morning hours, between 1:00 and 2:00 a.m. Several thought they'd heard screaming--horrible, bloodcurdling screams, as if a pig were being slaughtered, as one later put it. Your email address will not be published. Garrett Attorneys for 50-year-old Kevin Foley argued that his trial attorneys were ineffective for not suggesting that a neighbor might have killed Blairsville dentist John Yelenic. He died the most horrible death and tonight, this is his night. Director Robert M. Wise Writer Lorraine DiRienzo Stars Keith Downey Jenny Cohen B.J. When he met Michele Kamler, he thought he'd finally found the woman of his dreams. And John isn't . Michele Yelenic stood to collect Dr. Yelenic's estate and a US$1 million life insurance policy, and could lose about $2,500 a month in support if the divorce was finalized, a Pennsylvania grand jury previously determined. Detectives learned Foley had been at a hockey game a couple of towns over, which established his initial alibi. When John Yelenic, a small town dentist, meets the woman of his dreams, he tells his friends that he 'got the homecoming queen'. Dr. John Yelenic was a successful dentist in a small Pennsylvania town. . -3-Part Series Kicks off at 9/8c- Imagine a world where your largely irrational fears of going to the dentist find basis in truth, but in ways you never expected.. | March 15, 2022 Details. The whole scene was gruesome, to say the least.A few minutes later Isherwood descended to the basement, where he found another puddle of tacky blood on the cement floor: the dentist's massive blood loss had seeped through the living room floor above, where it had dripped drop by drop, for many hours to make a large semi-coagulated puddle on the cement floor of the basement.Yelenic had been viciously slashed, cut to pieces, and then left to bleed to death. In the premiere episode, small-town dentist Dr. John Yelenic is found murdered by a neighbor. Alighting from his unmarked patrol car, he saw a gaggle of people milling around the porch in front of the front door. To RSVP, contact Terri Wells at or call (724) 463-2096 with the number. Mrs. Yelenic did petition the court to grant a posthumous divorce after Johns death. "Psychic Investigators", a show on the A&E Biography Channel on premium cable television, filmed a reenactment of our involvement in the John Yelenic murder case, the slain dentist from Blairsville, PA and the state trooper Kevin Foley who was ultimately convicted of his murder. Everybody loved the small-town dentist Dr. John Yelenic. This was even before Mary Ann Clark learned that John Yelenic, the beloved dentist of Blairsville, had predicted to his divorce lawyer that he would be murdered; that his ex-wife and her cop lover and maybe even other members of the Pennsylvania State Police would be involved; and that, because of this foreboding, John had even tried to set aside a fund of $10,000 to help investigate the authors of his demise--as he thought, members of the Pennsylvania State Police--so that he would not die in vain. Foley went on trial for the murder of John Yelenic in 2009 and he was found guilty. When the DNA from under Johns fingernails and the unidentified DNA from the crime scene came back as a match to Foley, he was arrested for Yelenics murder. . Foley, John said, seemed to be acting as Michele Yelenic's "guided muscle," bent on intimidation.To Yelenic, Foley and his PSP pals had taken his ex-wife's side in the Yelenics' increasingly bitter divorce, causing it to drag on for years, and had even made devastating allegations against him. Dying for Love: The True Story of a Millionaire Dentist, his Unfaithful Crime News is your destination for true crime stories from around the world, breaking crime news, and information about Oxygen's original true crime shows and documentaries. When a neighbor finds him deceased, it is soon realized that Dr. Yelenic was murdered and, subsequently,. His head was pushed through a window in his house. An initial FBI analysis of that fraction of DNA pointed to Foley, linking him to the slaying with a match statistic of 13,000 meaning the chance that a random person would be included in that mixture is one in 13,000. Prosecutors allege that Foley, a 13-year state police veteran, went to Yelenic's home on the night of April 13 or early on the morning of April 14. John Yelenic, 39, was a dentist living in Blairsville, PA, a small town located east of Pittsburgh. He is currently serving out his life sentence at the State Correctional Institution-Retreat near Wilkes-Barre, in Luzerne County, Pennsylvania. The Commonwealth refers to Dr. Yelenic's wife as his "soon-to-be ex-wife." Memories of Betsy Faria 02:24. Foley continues to serve his life sentenced at SCI Retreat in Luzerne County. . Investigation Discovery drills into "Deadly Dentists" Proceeds from this year's event will benefit the family of a 2-year-old diabetic patient named Mia to. Funeral Home Services for John are being provided by Shoemaker Funeral Home - Blairsville. The volatile, thunderous storm drifted off to the east, giving way to a gray, uncertain mist in the ensuing, cooler dawn. The dispatcher told him there was a medical emergency at 233 South Spring Street, a possible heart attack; just where this particular information came from, despite the bloody evidence, wasn't clear. It was very persuasive, Krastek, 66, added. DNA under Yelenic's fingerprints will ultimately link him to the murder, as will bloody shoe prints found at the crime scene that match athletic shoes Foley is known to wear. An attack with so much frenzied slashing almost always indicated an intense, personal, emotional relationship between murderer and victim.One could only imagine how the dentist must have felt in his final moments, knowing his life was about to end. But by night, in a sultry, threatening storm like this one, those same trees loomed dark and sinister, branches whipping violently in the warm gusts, their large trunks potential lightning rods, every one. John Yelenic Obituary - Death Notice and Service Information What is the broadcast (satellite or terrestrial TV) release date of Local Fracture (2017) in Australia? . Kevin Foley, 43, faces a mandatory life sentence without parole for slashing to death John Yelenic, a Blairsville dentist who was in the final stages of divorcing his wife, Michele. In the United States, a suspended Pennsylvania state trooper has been convicted of first-degree murder for killing his girlfriend's estranged husband. Timothy Jon Yelenic. Isherwood called 911 and asked the dispatcher to send his supervisor, Corporal Janelle Lydic. Divorce proceeds as usual even after death - NBC News Neighbors App Real-Time Crime & Safety Alerts Amazon Subscription Boxes Top subscription . Earle told how ten years ago, Cybergenetics re-analyzed DNA from murdered Blairsville dentist John Yelenic's fingernails. The DNA matched Foley. Ten years later, however, the veneer of their happy life crumbles when it's time to sign the divorce papers and police are called to the scene of a homicide. We could feel this sad energy and we could feel some chilly spots when we were in it.. The judge ultimately admitted TrueAlleles findings, paving the way for Foleys conviction and a statewide precedent. But by 2002 . Several people suggested one name: Kevin Foley, the boyfriend of Yelenics soon-to-be ex-wife, Michelle Yelenic. Michelle had long denied killing her former spouse, despite standing to cash in on the dead dentists life insurance policy, which exceeded one million dollars. Photos & Social . Michele married Yelenic in 1997. To Mary Ann, John's claims about the PSP seemed some sort of emotional reaction to the fact that John's former wife was living with a state trooper--jealousy, probably, on her cousin's part.And for some years, Mary Ann was fairly sure John would get over Michele if he ever found the right woman. The dentist was brutally stabbed, with deep cuts found all over his body. It was the sort of edgy night that could make anyone sweat and wish it would just get it over with and pour.The wipers slapped desultorily back and forth across the killer's windshield, beating a refrain of inevitability: the time had come, had come, had come, had come, in an almost maddening cadence. But most importantly, a minuscule amount of genetic material underneath Yelenics fingernails matched the trooper, prosecutors said, according to the Post-Gazette. Pam Hupp's 911 call 05:04. NIKE CEO John Donahoe receives $53M in 2020. Generally when were doing a documentary, were using English, Suzanne noted. [Its] a computer approach to interpreting complex DNA evidence, the 62-year-old Pittsburgh scientist explained. Doch dann lernt Ana Steele den reichen und ebenso unverschmt, Fnf Frauen sahen in Brad den perfekten Mann - fr eine wurde er der perfekte Killer Cheryl Keeton fhrt ein gutes Leben. When, in 2006, Yelenic was found murderedslashed to death in his own homeFoley was the prime suspect.At the time of Yelenic's death, Michele was listed as beneficiary on more than $1 million in insurance benefits. Nightmare Neighbors . The upper torso was out of young Zachary's view, in the living room off to the left, and the legs weren't moving.Zachary retreated to his own house and told his older brother, Craig, seventeen, that something seemed wrong at the Yelenic house. Peering through the front door, the child saw the corpse of his 39-year-old neighbor, Dr. John Yelenic, a well-liked local dentist, lying bloody, barefoot and motionless, according to a criminal complaint obtained by Michele Yelenic stood to collect Dr. Yelenic's estate and a US$ 1 million life insurance policy, and could lose about $2,500 a month in support if the divorce was finalized, a Pennsylvania grand jury previously determined. Michelle Thomson From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Michelle Rhonda Thomson (born 11 March 1965) is a Scottish businesswoman and former politician. By GREG REINBOLD - Associated Press - Saturday, April 5, 2014. After Pennsylvania Attorney General Anthony Krastek enlisted the DNA technologists help, Perlins forensic analysis company Cybergenetics matched Foleys genetic profile to the blood found at Yelenics home to a match statistic of 189 billion. E L James revisits the world of Fifty Shades with a deeper and, Hiver 2003, sur l'le de Whidbey, Russ Douglas est en visite pour les ftes chez son ex-femme Brenna. Possible Owned Assets. What is the broadcast (satellite or terrestrial TV) release date of Local Fracture (2017) in Australia. Attorneys for 50-year-old Kevin Foley argued that . Foley was placed on leave as a result of being so close to the case. by 2Paragraphs in Culture, True Crime Murder TV | November 15, 2019, Andrea Canning at Yelenics home, Dateline NBC. But Mary Ann's friend was positive: all the activity was directly in front of the residence of John Yelenic, Mary Ann Clark's cousin.That was when Mary Ann for the first time began to wonder at least faintly, whether John might have been telling it true from the start--that maybe someone really had been out to get her cousin, even a badge-carrying member of the Pennsylvania State Police. 2019 [David Bellingham] All rights reserved. John Yelenic passed away on April 13, 2006 in Blairsville, Pennsylvania. Detectives unspool many unsavory people in Dr. Yelenic's. Michele M. Yelenic (hereinafter referred to as "Wife") and John J. Yelenic, Jr. (hereinafter . In 2016, Foley tried to appeal the murder conviction based on ineffective counsel. Foley claimed in the appeal that his attorneys failed to pursue a defense at trial that a neighbor of Yelenics might have committed the murder. There is also a wrongful death suit filed by John Yelenic's family, against Trooper Foley, and Dr. Yelenic's ex-wife Michele. In 2007, a boy in rural Pennsylvania stumbled upon a grisly sight at his neighbors home. Relatives, Associates, Neighbors. She said that, during the sisters psychic reading, Uss asked, Well, who do you think did it? And right away the spirit guide yelled out to us, Law enforcement.. We found 10 addresses on Heritage Drive in Latrobe, PA 15650. Reaching through the broken window frame, he slid back the dead bolt and, with his other hand, turned the doorknob from the front. Before exsanguinating on his living room floor, Yelenic reached out to defend himself . He made clear to me the threshold used by the FBI and every other DNA lab were arbitrary they were not scientifically based, and that's what resonated with me..