The episode concludes the storyline of the season one finale "Cartman's Mom Is a Dirty Slut"; Mephesto is suddenly shot, just as he is about to reveal the identity of Eric Cartman's father. She died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to her head . Mr. Kitty (who is a girl cat by the way) made her first appearance in the very first episode of the series and has previously been voiced by Jay Leno. In South Park: The Stick of Truth, if the New Kid hits Liane with a weapon, she will either yelp or moan in amusement or say "Oh, my!" ", where she, her son, and the rest of the main four, go on a trip to Nebraska to visit them for Christmas. She's a crack whore. During an operation, Stan gets sick and pukes inside of a patient. [9][10] Notably, in "PC Principal Final Justice", Cartman and Liane argue, until the former pulls out a gun, in which the latter also responds in the same way, and gets Cartman to listen to her. Liane is the single mother of 10-year-old Eric. In "Cartman's Mom is Still a Dirty Slut", it was stated that Liane Cartman was a hermaphrodite, meaning that she had both male and female sexual organs and that years ago during the Drunken Barn Dance, she proceeded to have sex with a series of men and women. The answer: Mrs. Cartman . [5] and "RESPECT MY AUTHORITAH!!" She has shown admonishing him not to pick his nose (to which he insists he was only scratching it). Cartman's hand, Mitch Connor, reveals this to be false and a paternity test leads Eric to discover that his dad was Jack Tenorman, who he killed in season five. Luanne Cartman is his mother, Jack Tenorman was his father as revealed in the 201st episode. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. After only a few minutes of being trapped, the group hastily resort to cannibalism to survive, eating Eric Roberts and the America's Most Wanted film crew. Instead of using the meme that involved Mr. Kitty, Cartman instead "Faith Hill'd" the audience, which praised it for being well done. 1. It was not known if Bergman had been receiving treatment for any psychological conditions. Urban Dictionary: cartman That episode of "South Park" shattered. We couldnt agree more, whats there not to love about Eric? Quite early on, it was stated that Ms. Cartman was actually Eric's father, as she was supposedly born a self-fertilizing hermaphrodite with both female and male genitalia (though Dr. Mephesto implies in "Cartman's Mom is Still a Dirty Slut" that she no longer has the latter). [6][7][8], A call was even shown in a promo for the actual episode, where the angry viewer commented, via phone call: "Who the fuck do you think you guys are with Comedy Central and that fucking South Park? ", she had Kyle hold Florence Cartman's catheter bag. ", she wore glasses while driving, which implies that she is nearsighted. Liane is considered one of the more prominent parents of all the South Park parents, as she makes many appearances throughout the series. Chef rushes him to the hospital. Tokens dad says it in the episode where he wants more rich friends. In "201", it turns out that Liane isn't a hermaphrodite, as it was a lie told by the citizens of South Park in order to protect the Denver Broncos. Cartman also has loads of catchphrases in the show, many of which feature his mispronunciations. 5 In "Cherokee Hair Tampons", she told her her son to stay away from Kyle because he had AIDS, when Kyle actually had kidney failure. Now heres one that is sure to surprise you Eric made a cameo in Futurama! But what may surprise you is the list of other characters that Parker voices, because its not just Cartman. As mentioned above, whenever Liane has any male guests over, she'll offer to show them "the rest of the rest of the house" which she uses as an excuse to sneak the guest up to her bedroom and have sex with them as she does with Bill Cosby (BSM-471) in "Trapper Keeper". Cartman's Mom Is Still a Dirty Slut - South Park Cartman, disgusted, drops the matter. WATCH "SOUTH PARK THE STREAMING WARS Part 2". He also reveals that hermaphrodites cannot have children, so Liane must have impregnated another woman on her intercourse spree. Actor Eric Roberts, brother of actress Julia Roberts, plays the part of Dr. Mephesto's "little monkey guy" (aka Kevin) in the America's Most Wanted reenactment. In "Coon 2: Hindsight", Liane not only punishes Eric for being bad, every time he talks back to her, she would raise her voice. 00:58. [10], On April 27, 1999, "Cartman's Mom Is Still a Dirty Slut" was released on the "South Park: Volume 7" VHS tape, which also contained "Cartman's Mom is a Dirty Slut", in a third series of South Park home video releases. The episode is the highest viewed episode in the entire South Park series, with 6.4 million views. He dies again a few minutes later. Liane Cartman is called Eric's "mom" but really is Eric's Dad (she is a hermaphrodite) and we never learn who his real mom is. She is also a great cook, as implied by Stan and Chef in "Damien". Cartman and his babysitter Shelley Marsh were, needless to say, horrified. 21 CherryKrisKross 2 yr. ago This was such a great reveal. -1 Swedemire 4 yr. ago You stopped watching South Park ten years ago? Liane understood a German-speaking man in South Park: Bigger, Longer & Uncut, indicating that she may be of German descent, though it may just be that she learned the language while filming the scheisse films, which are German. from New Yorker: Emi Miller is a nurse who practices integrative and holistic medicine in North Carolina. Its almost as though he has some kind of speech impediment but sometimes he just seems to mispronounce words to annoy his friends. And its easy to see why. Meanwhile, a powerful snowstorm traps the America's Most Wanted crew in a TV studio, along with a large group of locals reenacting the shooting. We've received your submission. You're a big fat ass and your mom's a hermaphlight!" Memorable Quotes "Oh my God! In the episode Passion of the Jew (Season 8, Episode 3),South Park parodies Mel Gibsons movie The Passion of the Christ. In 2011 South Park fans were delighted when Cartmans fictional snack became areality. Usually if a player has a child out of wedlock NFL teams tend to make the mother stay quiet in which the mother usually gets a lot or money in child support from the player. Chef notes that he is still alive and, along with the boys, rushes him to the hospital. Eric Theodore Cartman is a fourth-grade student who lives with his single mom in the fictional town of South Park. 04/22/1998 South ParkS2 E2 A Secret Revealed Mephesto reveals that Cartman's Mom is a hermaphrodite, which actually makes her Cartman's father. He manages to get Mephesto on a life support system, but has many other patients to tend to. Despite its seemingly simple style, the dark satire is intended for adults and the content is often explicit. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! They killed Mephesto!" ( Kenny McCormick) Earlier in the series, Liane used to be sexually active and frequently pursues it. But it was hinted that in "Cartman's Mom is Still a Dirty Slut" that she had intercourse with a few citizens of South Park. Eric Cartman is considered to be the most popular character on the animated series South Park. Her outfit slightly resembles that of Cartman's, in that her sweater is the same color as his toque, and her trousers are like his coat. Elvin CartmanFred Cartman Religion Mr. Garrison gives him a few choice sentences to try. As a teenager or young adult at the 12th annual drunken barn dance, she wore a dark red long-sleeve crop top, a dark black skirt, and dark red shoes to match the shirt. During the final scene where all of Cartman's potential fathers are gathered, there's a Visitor present. Tucker Family | All Rights Reserved. In later seasons, her character seems to have changed. Hankey Family | A Secret Revealed - South Park | South Park Studios US [5] In recent seasons she changed her character and seems to be more responsible with Eric. Collections. She actually ended up getting another woman pregnant, who gave birth to Cartman, which arose the final question: Who is Cartman's Mother? Jack Tenorman ), attempted genocide, manslaughter, drug possession, enforced suicide, animal abuse, smuggling, armed robbery, grave robbery, hate crimes, child abuse, war crimes, vandalism, unlicensed surgery, underage driving, resisting arrest, medical terrorism and theft. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. Comedy Central and Frito-Lay teamed up and produced 1.5 million packages of Cheesy Poofs to celebrate the show's 15th season. Users can unsubscribe at any time. Fuck you! His behavior is pretty shocking most of the time and his motives are usually highly suspicious but that doesnt take away from the fact that he is able to get people working together towards a common goal. Kenny electrocutes himself to restore power to the hospital. I have the super best friends episode on my pc but still cant find a version of 200-201. my headcannon is that Liane is both the mother and father. Cartman's biological father was Mr. Tenorman (who Cartman had killed and fed to his son, Scott Tenorman). Elderly The pilot episode of South Park was created almost entirely using paper cut outs and stop animation. Given how rarely she is seen alone with the other mothers - usually while the children are playing or as a group - it is possible that she does not consider them friends due to their relationships being more related to their children. She shows further resolve in "Coon 2: Hindsight", "Mysterion Rises" and "Coon vs. Coon & Friends", during which she punishes Cartman for his behavior and violent actions against his friends, particularly Clyde and Bradley. Pajamas As she frequently appears in the series, Liane has also appeared in many South Park-related media. These have lead to thousands of funny memes on the internet. Chef and the boys get to the hospital and witness a gruesome operation. Cartman often chastises the cat when she meows for food with his infamous catchphrase, No, Mr. Kitty! Although this might seem abusive, it does seem that Eric has a strong bond with cats. Aside that instance, Ms. Cartman's infidelities have remained virtually unmentioned between the fourth season and "200". Maybe you just missed the episode where Cartman and his friends join the David Blaine cult. She also had her hair down. Her updated appearance includes more detailed fur, a more detailed body style, and a tiny pink nose, harkening back to her original appearance. During the same six weeks last year, the show averaged 2.8 million viewers. This first becomes evident in the episode Fat Butt and Pancake Head when he presents a report about Latino culture and introduces the class to his special guest, Jennifer Lopez. The Head Museum has famous heads of US presidents, movie and TV stars, politicians, supermodels and even porn stars. People actually started asking the real David Blaine for the book, believing it to be genuine. Liane rarely raises her voice (the most prominent occasion being in "Cartman Gets an Anal Probe", in which she suggests he go out and play with his friends and then shouts "don't be difficult Eric!" At the end of "City People", Cartman's actions not only caused Liane to lose her job but also caused the both of them to move out of their home and into Coney Island Hotdog. Appearances In "Tonsil Trouble", she wears a red version of this dress. One notable example of her generosity has to be in "Cartman's Mom is a Dirty Slut", where she gives a plate of cookies to Officer Barbrady at the Drunken Barn Dance. Kyle's mom is a b*tch (Eric cartman) beat lightsaber - YouTube The doctor comes up with a plan to retrieve a backup generator, it involves Kenny doing it by himself. Though the first episode, as well as the "Spirit of Christmas" shorts made by series co-creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone, were animated with construction paper through stop motion,[1] after the series second episode, "Weight Gain 4000", she is animated with a computer and rendered to mimic that style. John Walsh, the host of America's Most Wanted, makes a cameo. The 15th episode of the series overall, it premiered on Comedy Central in the United States on April 22, 1998. In 2014, IGN placed Cartman first on their list of "The Top 25 South Park Characters" adding that he was the obvious choice and calling him "the biggest contribution to the world of animated characters that South Park has made. Does Cartman ever find his dad? - TimesMojo After it was revealed that Liane was Cartman's father and mother due to the fact that she was a hermaphrodite . It's revealed that Chef owns a "Meredith Baxter-Birney memorial towel." Son Doctor, and a nurse with no arms named Nurse Goodley; they are the only ones working in the hospital. In South Park: The Streaming Wars, Liane finally admits to Cartman that she is tired of giving into him and that his actions caused are what caused the both of their current living state. Who is Eric Cartmans mom?? : r/southpark - reddit "America's Most Wanted" pays the mayor a visit. Shop. Liane has also supposedly instilled in Cartman some of his bigoted behavior towards the Jews, gingers, and black people. This includes appearing in the 1999 film South Park: Bigger, Longer, & Uncut, as well video games like South Park: The Stick of Truth and South Park: Phone Destroyer. An angered Cartman then demands who his mother is, but when a narrator questions who his mother might be, he quickly refuses to pursue the issue any further. Cartman's Mom Is Still a Dirty Slut - Wikipedia She wears it most prominently in "HUMANCENTiPAD" where she wears it for nearly the entire episode. Events. Cartman, on the other hand, devises a plan to coerce Liane into getting a breast implant, which escalated all the way up to a legal issue in South Park: The Streaming Wars Part 2, further angering Liane. Sister-in-law My Mom Is Number One In My Heart Liane Cartman Eric Cartman . However, in "200", Eric Cartman and Mitch Conner go to Mr. Garrison and Mr. Hat who revealed that the events of "Cartman's Mom is Still a Dirty Slut" were a fabrication and the results for the paternity test were tampered with and that. Man you know what miss cartman does to get cash Cartman's dad was a Denver Bronco. In case you didnt know Futurama is set in the year 3000 and one of the ways they work pop culture and historical figures into the show is by having their speaking heads inside glass jars. Former Porn QueenProstituteModel for "Crack-whore" MagazineDominatrixFormer Real Estate Agent Burch Family | Cartman is sometimes the main antagonist of an episode, for example "Trapper Keeper". While the rest of the adults in town and a visiting television crew film a reenactment for America's Most Wanted, a tree falls on the power line causing the power to go out. Showing uncharacteristic concern for his cat, Cartman proceeds to hide him/her in the attic, in which Cartman gives him/her a diary so as to record his/her life, in a manner similar to Anne Frank. Broflovski Family | Cartman Family | Marsh Family | Officer Barbrady joins the boys' third-grade class to brush up on his reading skills. Wiki. They learn the Chickenfucker's motive. We're rewatching from the beginning and on S2E2, "Cartman's Mom is a Dirty Slut", it is revealed Mrs. Cartman is a hermaphrodite and she had to impregnate another woman in order to have Eric. Despite her sweetness, she is extremely promiscuous. Her voice is usually kind and soft (but sounding even more sweet in the 4th through 7th seasons when she was voiced by Eliza Schneider) and her actions are usually to aid others, particularly her son. Mr. Kitty is a gray cat with dark gray ears, and black whiskers. she is definitely the town prostitute, so good money there, no idea on the second job tbh as I think her tutoring business is a front. Eric Cartman | South Park Archives | Fandom Donovan Family | As a result, they were forced to move to Coney Island Hotdog. Despite being a female (which would make her Mrs. Kitty), Her honorific is male (Mr.). Bergman was the star of the South Parks most watched episode, in which Eric Cartmans mother (Bergman) was revealed to be a hermaphrodite. Even the president of Earth is Richard Nixons head in a jar! The test proves to be successful, as Kenny gets high and ends up in a hardcore drug fantasy, that he becomes addicted to. [6] It was also stated that in the events of the episode, years ago at the Drunken Barn Dance, Liane proceeded to have sex with numerous men and women. The "America's Most Wanted" group talk about eating again. She has also been shown numerous times to be extremely promiscuous, being referred to as a "slut" numerous times, making several sexual jokes, having sex tapes of her and Mr. Mackey, etc. Nelly's Family | document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Thanks for contacting us. Hair Hermaphrodite and Eric's Parentage Liane Cartman with Chef and Mr. Garrison in "Cartman's Mom is a Dirty Slut". Malkinson Family | Cartman's Mom is a hermaphrodite. . THE actress who provided the eccentric female voices for South Park committed suicide last week. Believe it or not hes based on a real person too, a high school classmate of Treys. Although hes only been arrested six times hes committed almost every crime you can think of (and probably quite a few you cant imagine as well!). In this category you have all sound effects, voices and sound clips to play, download and share. He says the shooter was probably his brother, who tries to kill him once a month. Outside, a terrible blizzard brews. Eric Cartman | Cartoon Characters Wiki | Fandom Mask In the episode Super Best Friends (Season 5, Episode 3) David Blaine visits South Park and wows everyone with his edgy street magic. After it was revealed that Liane was Cartman's father and mother due to the fact that she was a hermaphrodite. What I Learned Today "Dude! Liane is clearly upset of the situation and even ignores Cartman who tries to make light of it and acts oblivious of what he caused. She can be seen again in South Park: The Fractured But Whole when she decides to start again her "Tutoring classes" in the town, in which she ask The New Kid to help her spread the tutoring business cards in Skeeter's Wine Bar and giving it to three men. Learn More About The New Episode - Japanese Toilets, The Stick of Truth: Friendable Characters, Terrance and Phillip in Not Without My Anus, Roger Ebert Should Lay off the Fatty Foods, The Return of the Fellowship of the Ring to the Two Towers, "South Park" Cartman Gets an Anal Probe (TV episode 1997), "South Park" The Tooth Fairy's Tats 2000 (TV episode 2000), "South Park" Up the Down Steroid (TV episode 2004). In "HUMANCENTiPAD", Liane again shows a strong stance against her son, as she is seen yelling at Cartman for loudly implying that she was "fucking him" (leading others to believe he means sexually, when in truth he means figuratively). Many people want to know how Trey does Erics voice. Liane Cartman is the mother of Eric Cartman. And its easy to see why. The other is Homer Simpson. Eric Cartman is considered to be the most popular character on the animated series South Park. . The body of Mary Kay Bergman, 38 who voiced at least seven characters on the raunchy Comedy Central cartoon was found by her husband, Dino Andrade, last Thursday at about 10 p.m. in their Los Angeles home. Kenny's quest to restore the hospital's power mirrors a similar scene in the 1993 film Jurassic Park. The "Cops" cameras follow Officer Barbrady to a crime scene, where he insists to everyone that "There's nothing to see here. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. "South Park" Cartman's Mom Is a Dirty Slut (TV Episode 1998) - IMDb Definitely not your usual fourth grader! (Furthermore, she's a crack-smoking hermaphrodite.but that's besides the point.) Nephews Grandmother Voiced by In the early seasons, she was very sexually active and regularly pursued this activity. The boys and Chef drive Dr. Mephesto to the hospital. Has Cartman's Mom ever been mentioned again? Cartman's Mom is a hermaphrodite. When he found of her repeated infidelities on him, he was inspired to create this character; who is promiscuous and a drug addict, not to mention also an inept mother. Valmer Family | Red's Family | About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Hes also been declared the second-scariest character on television beaten only by Mr. Burns from The Simpsons. Dr. Even in "Cartman's Mom is a Dirty Slut" and "Cartman's Mom is Still a Dirty Slut" where it is revealed to Eric that his mom has had sex with the entire town, he still has no conversations with his mom about her secret life. Mephesto explains that Liane is a hermaphrodite, someone with both male and female genitalia. 'SLEEPY' TOWN AWAKES : FILM SENDS STAMPEDE OF TOURISTS INT Canadian teacher with size-Z prosthetic breasts placed on paid leave, What's next for Buster Murdaugh after dad's murder conviction, life sentence, Sick trolls leak gruesome Maggie Murdaugh autopsy photo after it was accidentally shown on livestream, Murdaugh son collapsed outside court after sitting stone-faced through dad's 6-week murder trial: source, Madonna watches new boyfriend Joshua Poppers fight in New York City, Saving Private Ryan actor Tom Sizemore dead at 61 after brain aneurysm, How Ariana Madix discovered Tom Sandoval was cheating on her with Raquel Leviss, Kellyanne Conway and George Conway to divorce. Mommys working tonight. Most likely a Prostitute :/. In a prepared statement, the shows creators, Matt Stone and Trey Parker who also provide the voices for the bulk of South Parks characters said they were deeply saddened and have chosen to mourn privately.. Liane Cartman with Chef and Mr. Garrison in "Cartman's Mom is a Dirty Slut". Sorry sweety, mommy has to save her throat. Instead of the real Jennifer, he uses his hand with a drawn on face and ventriloquism skills to interview her. Mr. Kitty is seen in Cartman's backyard, in the stables, and inside his house. One of Cartmans most endearing characteristics is his mispronunciations. Almost immediately (and in spite of the fact that they've only been without food for a few hours) they resort to cannibalism. ", and "Who is Eric Cartman's mother?" 2. [2] She was originally voiced by Mary Kay Bergman, and later Eliza Schneider, and currently April Stewart. When it comes down to crunch time Cartman uses his seemingly endless charisma and impressive public speaking skills to get what he wants. Forum. In "Merry Christmas Charlie Manson! Liane is considered one of the more prominent parents of all the South Park parents, as she makes many appearances throughout the series . ", "Who shot Mephesto? His mom essentially gets child support from Scott Tenormans dad who used to play for the Denver Bronocs. Game appearances For more than twelve seasons Eric believed that his mom was a hermaphrodite and also his biological dad but in the episode "200" we . What Job does Cartmans Mom have? : r/southpark - reddit 200/201 reveals that Liane being a hermaphrodite was a lie. However, Lisa Cartman and Jack Tenorman are both ginger. Niece This story has been shared 126,690 times. This is the continuation of the first season's cliffhanger "Cartman's Mom Is a Dirty Slut". Unplanned Parenthood. She was reputedly a crack whore, and has taken part in German scheisse movies. The only problem is, she wants to abort eight-year-old Cartman. Also, the South Park residents pulling themselves out of the TV studio is a parody of the survival drama film Alive, while Aaron Neville's version of "Ave Maria" by Austrian composer Franz Schubert plays. "The Method Behind the Madness of South Park", "Cartman And His Mom Argue Over Bedtime While Armed In 'South Park' Season 19 Finale That Focuses On Gun Control", "South Park Gave Liane Cartman A Win And We're All Here For It", South Park and Philosophy: You Know, I Learned Something Today, South Park and Philosophy: Bigger, Longer, and More Penetrating,, Short description is different from Wikidata, Articles using Infobox character with multiple unlabeled fields, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 26 February 2023, at 08:56. Character Information Find more sounds like the cartman one in the music category page. Mephesto Family | All this doesnt sit well with everyone, least of all his friend/arch-enemy Kyle Broflovski. Archibald "Archie" Bunker (played by Carroll OConnor) appeared in a 70s TV sitcom called All in The Family. Charlotte's Family | When was cartman born? - Liane shows great deference to her overweight son Eric, and has been seen on numerous occasions bowing to his will, constantly spoiling him rotten. Eric's mom is a hermaphrodite with both male and female genitals. However, there has been many implications that Ms. Cartman is as racist and anti-Semitic as Eric, who on numerous occasions (at least during the early seasons) quoted his mother on saying offensive and politically incorrect statements regarding black people, gays, and Jews. Eric Cartman's mom, as stated in South Park episode #113. This is a reference to Quincy M.E, a medical drama from the late 70's. But Im sure you know all this already right?