(Education Code 243.7). This emergency treatment is considered to be first aid and part of our requirement to give diligent care to the health of students (California Education Code 49400 and 49407). The SYSTEM provides immediate access for authorized users to an individuals current immunization status. The Fresno Unified Board retains the authority to grant or deny a request for an interdistrict transfer to Fresno Unified in accordance with the process and procedures outlined in the regulation adopted pursuant to this policy. Whenever any part of the instruction in health, family life education, and sex education conflicts with the religious training and beliefs of the parent/guardian of any pupil, the pupil, on written request of the parent/guardian, shall be excused from the part of the training which conflicts with such religious training and beliefs. If a student shows a pattern of chronic absenteeism due to illness, district staff may require physician verification of any further absences.(cf.5113.1). Class checks are no longer part of district guidelines. Email the Special Education Leadership Team: SPEDLeadership@fresnounified.org. For the protection of a pupils health and welfare, the Governing Board of any school district may require the parent/guardian of a pupil to keep current at the pupils school of attendance, emergency information including the home address and telephone number, business address, and telephone number of the parents/guardians, and the name, address and telephone number of a relative or friend who is authorized to care for the pupil in any emergency situation if the parent/guardian cannot be reached. fresno unified transfer office number (559) 457-2980. Manager, Charter Office. H. & S.C. 120365, 120370, 120375. ESSER III Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief Act, School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA), More information on Intra-District Transfers, More information on Admission Criteria Schools, More information on Dual Language Immersion Programs, Apply for Dual Language Immersion Program, Board Policy regarding Inter-District Transfers, Bullying/Cyberbullying Information and Procedures. school day. The Governing Board of the district shall notify the parent/guardian of the pupil that they have two (2) weeks or ten (10) school days to supply evidence either that the pupil has been properly immunized, or that the pupil is exempted from the immunization requirement pursuant to Section 120365 or 120370 of the Health and Safety Code. (559) 457-3362. The principal, in consultation with the Transfers Department, may revoke a transfer at the close of a reporting period, if the student fails to meet any one of the conditions while in attendance at the receiving school: Schools that have unique programs and themes. E.C. A school district is not authorized to permit access to pupil records to any person without written parental consent or under judicial order except that: Access to those particular records relevant to the legitimate educational interests of the requester shall be permitted to the following: School districts may release information from pupil records to the following: No information or documents regarding the citizenship or immigration status of students or their family members shall be collected, except as required by state or federal law or as required to administer a state or federally supported educational program. The $3 registration fee is non-refundable. In order for students to take medication at school the following conditions must be met: California law allows students with asthma to carry and self- administer their prescribed inhaled asthma medication. For purposes of this service, a student must be declared home bound by their treating physician and unable to leave their home, hospital room or residential health facility and unable to attend an alternative education program offered through the district. Intradistrict and Interdistrict transfers, including magnet school placements, could be subject to revocation if it is determined that a student has violated a condition of the transfer. Facebook; 2309 Tulare Street, Fresno, CA 93721. Intradistrict and Interdistrict Transfers, including magnet school placements, could be subject to revocation if the Superintendent or designee determines that a student has violated a condition of the intradistrict or interdistrict transfer. Kirkelementary@fresnounified.org. This amended law authorizes school nurses and trained personnel volunteers to use epinephrine auto-injectors to provide emergency medical aid to students suffering, or reasonably believed to be suffering, from an anaphylactic reaction. Tami Lundberg, Chief Technology Officer (559) 457-3868 Transfers are free and allow you to transfer for unlimited transfers for 90 minutes on all routes in any direction. Office of the Superintendent | Fresno County Superintendent of Schools If student does not meet any of the criteria previously stated and desires to attend a Fresno Unified School District school, the Inter-District Transfer Request allows students that reside within the boundaries of a school district other than Fresno Unified School District to attend a school with Fresno Unified School District. What do I need to do, if I want to volunteer? Any other rights and requirements set forth in Education Code 49060- 49078, and the right of parents/guardians to file a complaint with the U.S. Department of Education concerning an alleged failure by the district to comply with 20 USC 1232g. *Future Year Requests: final decision is provided no later than 14 calendar days following the beginning of the school year for which enrollment is sought.Must be renewed annually, beginning on April 1st for the following school year.Please contact the Transfers Department at (559) 248-7538 for TransfersDepartment@fresnounified.orgfor more information. The Governing Board believes that excessive student absenteeism and tardiness, whatever the cause, may be an early warning sign of poor academic achievement and may put students at risk of dropping out of school. The College and Career Readiness Department plays an integral part in achieving the Districts mission of preparing career ready graduates. A career-ready graduate is a student who has all possible options available to them upon graduation from Fresno Unified School District. Staff Directory | Fresno Unified Charter Office Fresno CA 93702. Those in high school may continue through 12th grade. Mailing Address. (Education Code 48321). 3. Address . The Board retains the authority to grant or deny such a transfer in accordance with the process and procedures outlined in the regulation adopted pursuant to this policy. If skin test/bloodwork is positive student will be required to submit a negative chest x-ray report from their medical provider before attending school. ATLAS Portal Help; EduText; Family Learning and Technology Support (FLATS) Center; Project Connect; . The Governing Board may seek to obtain private funding and volunteer assistance in performing the fingerprinting. The student must be a resident of the district and enrolled in a school site within the district. . (See also C.C.R., Title 5, Sec. 2022-23 TRANSFER INFORMATION IntRA-District Transfers (From one Central Unified school TO another Central Unified school) We reside in Central Unified but would like to request our student attend a different school than what our address is slated to:. Fax: 559-457-3419. . 48204). In the absence of an approved. Education Code 58501 specifies that any school may establish a separate school or separate classes within a school. Fresno Unified School District Office Transfer Department in Fresno, CA The Governing Board of each school district shall, as a condition for the receipt of school apportionments from the state school fund, adopt rules and regulations establishing a policy of open enrollment within the District for residents of the District. Fresno Unified School District Office - Living New Deal A record of the written warning may be kept at the school for a period of not less than two (2) years, or until the student graduates, or transfers, from that school. An educational agency or institution that discloses an education record under Sec. 4120 N. First Street, Fresno, CA 93726 . Transfers - CUSD No student shall be excused from school for such purpose on more than four (4) days per school month. Clovis Unified approves zone with new elementary school. | The Fresno Bee Fresno Unified School District Workers Compensation Office. 3722 E Lowe Ave. Fresno, CA 93702. This is your opportunity to make changes to your benefits (such as adding or removing dependents, switch to a different plan, etc.). The Governing Board may contract with any public or private agency, including any civic or community organization if determined to be appropriate by the Governing Board, to perform the fingerprinting. Fresno Unified Transfer Office - Fill Online, Printable, Fillable 48900; or. Interested families who live within the Fresno Unified School District boundary are encouraged to apply online. The Board desires to ensure that all students attend school in accordance with the states compulsory education law and take full advantage of educational opportunities provided by the district. The examination helps find health problems that may keep your child from doing well in school. Fresno Unified School District offers a preschool program for all children who turn three or four years old by December 2 and live within the Fresno Unified School District. Additional information regarding the appeal of denied inter-district transfers only, is available through the Fresno County Superintendent of Schools. Fresno unified transfer office. 99.31 (a) (2) shall: An educational agency or institution may disclose an education record of a student in attendance to another educational agency or institution if: The Board of Education of the Fresno Unified School District believes that providing students the opportunity to attend schools with diverse student bodies has inherent educational value. Hours: Mon.-Fri., 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Reedley High School - Reedley High School Records and Transcripts | Fresno Unified Information Technology Fresno Unified School District operates on NO LICE guidelines. Fresno Unified School . Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) | Fresno Unified - Curriculum The release of certain information, which we call directory information, would benefit your child; such as: information on athletic or academic awards, information for press releases, or information to organizations and institutions offering career opportunities to graduates including military recruitment officers. an EpiPen is administered under the guidelines of Education Code 49414, staff members are required to call emergency 911. Benefits Department - Fresno Unified School District Transfer Students Information | Hoover High School Every school district or private school that has children enrolled in the first grade shall report by January 15 of each year to the county Child Health and Disability Prevention program, the department, and the Department of Education the following information: B.P. Classified Employees' Transfer Request forms can be located in the Human Resources office or on the Human Resources Website. The Asthma Action Plan can be obtained by the student or parent from the school Health Office. The cost of the insurance or membership may be paid, from the funds of the District or Districts, or by the insured pupil, their parent/guardian. The fee shall be calculated to reimburse the district only for actual costs associated with the program. For additional information, please call the Charter office, 457-3923. Find the school closest to your home by clicking here: School Locator. Any student who is required to be reported as a truant pursuant to Education Code Section 48260 or 48261 may be required to attend make-up classes conducted on one (1) day of a weekend pursuant to subdivision (c) of Education Code Section 37223 and is subject to the following: The first time a truancy report is required, the student may be personally given a written warning by any peace officer specified in Penal Code (P.C.) Classes are held during daytime hours and also in the evening as well as some Saturdays. The Governing Board of any school district offering a fingerprinting program pursuant to this article shall assess a fee to the parent/ guardian of the fingerprinted pupils. Applications must be accessed at your resident school district (i.e. Transfer Application ; Tutor.com; ATLAS Parent Portal; ATLAS Parent Portal . All students new to the district need to have a risk assessment done. Transfers Office; Family Tech. 4141.3. Any students entering school for the first time in California after July1, 2016 will need to be fully immunized or have a medical exemption from a California doctor. Involuntary Intradistrict Transfers may be made under Board Policy. Grades in keeping with the students ability; Satisfactory attendance, including promptness in arriving to school and classes during the day. Any student with a fever of 100 degrees or greater should stay home until they have been without fever for 24 hours, without fever medication. C.F.R., Title 34, Sec. BullardHS@fresnounified.org . The school must have a written statement from the students authorized health care provider detailing the method, amount, and time medication is to be taken; The school also needs a written statement from the parent/ guardian of the student giving permission for school staff to assist the student with the medication; and. 601. Make a reasonable attempt to notify the parent/guardian or eligible student at the last known address of the parent/ guardian or eligible student, unless: The disclosure is initiated by the parent/guardian or eligible student; or. Phone Number. As a parent/guardian you have the right to: look at your childs record and have corrections made, refuse to get reminder notices when vaccines are due, refuse to have any of this information shared now or any time, get the names and addresses of anyone with whom this information is shared. California Health & Safety Code section 120440 authorized CVIIS to operate such a SYSTEM and allows health care and other service providers to disclose or share certain prescribed immunization-related information concerning individual patients, clients, or pupils with registries such as CAIR. The editing or withholding of any such records, except as provided for in this chapter is prohibited. There are choice Dual Language Immersion Programs, which are listed on the Transfers Request Form, and there are site based Dual Language Immersion Programs. For that purpose, the Board may use any funds, property, and personnel of the District, and may permit any person licensed as an authorized health care provider and surgeon to administer an immunizing agent to any pupil whose parents/guardians have consented in writing to the administration of such immunizing agent. transfer, students are expected to attend the school in the attendance area in which they reside. Contact Us | Fresno Unified Special Education Selection is administered via a random lottery. The disclosure meets the requirements of paragraph (a) of this section. Office Hours: 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. . This is a life-threatening allergic condition, requiring immediate treatment. Central Unified School District ATLAS Portal Help; EduText; Family Learning and Technology Support (FLATS) Center . First day parents/guardians may submit transfer request applications, DEADLINE to submit transfer request applications for intra-district schools and Magnet Schools, 4120 N. First StreetFresno, CA 93726Phone number: (559) 248-7538Email: TransfersDepartment@fresnounified.org. Fresno Unified School District - Grades K-12 California Fresno, CA 93721-2002. School Districts Schools. Transfers are available year-round. Fresno Unified School District Prevention Intervention. The decision of the Governing Board shall be final. 2309 Tulare St. Fresno, CA 93721-2287. For students who participate in athletics, we. Effective January 1, 2015, Senate Bill 1266 amends California Education Code 49414 and now requires school districts to obtain and stock emergency epinephrine auto-injectors (EpiPen) at all school sites. Applicants must be approved for release by . Each school district shall adopt procedures for the granting of requests by parents/guardians for copies of all pupil records pursuant to Section 49065, or to inspect and review records during regular school hours, provided that the requested access shall be granted no later than five (5) business days following the date of the request. Fresno Adult School offers a wide variety of low cost or no cost classes and training programs for adults 18 years and older such as High School Diploma, GED, Career & Technical Education, English as a Second Language, Citizenship, Adult Basic Education, and Community Education. Where can I find the dress code for my childs school? Link opens new browser tab. The transfer process and procedure shall be centralized to allow for as many transfers to be granted and to ensure that the Districts facilities are equitably utilized. If the student transfers, the record may be forwarded to any school receiving the students school records. If the student needs to go home for an injury or illness, nurse or designee will contact the parent. Upon written request by the parent/guardian and with the approval of the students physician, a student may be allowed to carry and self-administer auto-injectable epinephrine or inhaled asthma medication. Fresno Unified of fers a Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) Program for eligible students in the elementary and secondary settings. PDF Inter District Transfer Request - FormsPal Fresno Unified School District Back to School Profile Directory. Parks and Recreation | Activities & Recreational Programs - Fresno The notification shall also inform parents/guardians and/or students of their right to refuse to let the district designate any or all types of information as directory information and the period of time within which a parent/ guardian and/or student must notify the district in writing that he/ she does not want a certain category of information designated as directory information.