eFiling is available for attorneys and for self-represented litigants in Civil, Family Law, Probate, and Small Claims case types. v. Brand (Bill) et al. Fresno, CA 93721 2 Dept. Courtroom Live Streams | Superior Court of California | County of Fresno Please Visit our . Fresno County Superior Court- Action Center is an after-criminal one-stop network, and it provides many services that include: Fresno County Superior Court provides the facility of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). In reversing and remanding Venable's conviction, the court wrote, "It's uncontested the trial judge did not consider those additional factors before admitting a rap video in Venable's trial and that the trial, as a result, didn't comply with the new requirements for admission.". It is our mission to provide equal and timely access to justice, apply the law impartially, and promote community interventions towards . Enter the Ticket/Citation, case, and driving license number. in California Rules of Court, rule 1.150 (Rule 1.150) and in consideration of other statutory and constitutional within the discretion of the judge presiding over the hearing pursuant to the factors and prohibitions articulated Working Hours:Monday: 8:00 am 4:00 pmTuesday:8:00 am 4:00 pmWednesday:8:00 am 4:00pmThursday:8:00 am 4:00 pmFriday: 8:00 am 4:00 pmSaturday: ClosedSunday: Closed, David Andrew GottliebGregory T. FainHoury A. SandersonJames A. KelleyJeffrey Y. Hamilton Jr.John R. VogtLisa M. GamoianMonica DiazAdolfo M. CoronaMichael G. IdiartGary R. OrozcoBrian M. AraxJonathan M. SkilesHilary A. Chittick. The courtroom is open to the pubilc. Fresno, CA 93706 All rights reserved. v. Robert Half International Inc., et al. v. Superior Court of Sacramento County (People, Real Party in Interest), S231709, In re Bell (Steven M.) on Habeas Corpus [Automatic Appeal], S151362, Scher (Jaime A.) 13 Dept. v. California Table Grape Commission, S226538, People v. Penunuri (Richard), [Automatic Appeal], S095076, People v. Buycks (Stevenson), S231765, People v. Valenzuela (Laura Reynoso), S232900, and In re John Manuel Guiomar on Habeas Corpus, S238888 (consolidated cases), People v. Ruiz II (Felix Corral), S235556, United Riggers & Erectors, Inc. v. Coast Iron & Steel Co. et al., S231549, Facebook Inc., et al. 31 Dept. S217738Property Reserve, Inc. v. Superior Court of San Joaquin County (Department of Water Resources, Real Party in Interest), and Consolidated Cases. Please click on a courtroom to live stream. v. Toyota Motor Corporation et al., S232754, Boling (Catherine A.) v. ASICS America Corporation et al., S263569, Lawson (Wallen) v. PPG Architectural Finishes, Inc., S266001, People v. Tirado (Jose Guadalupe), S257658, People v. Holmes (Karl Darnell), McClain (Herbert Charles) and Newborn (Lorenzo), [Automatic Appeal], S058734, Hill RHF Housing Partners, L.P., et al. To see if someone is in custody, check theInmate Information Center, or you may call (559) 475-9491. Gavin Newsom on Sept. 31, 2022. v. County of Trinity et al., S249792, B.B., a Minor, etc., et al. v. United Airlines, Inc., S248702, Oman (Dev Anand) et al. Venable was accused of driving the car while his co-defendant fired shots. 03. Fax: (559) 455 - 4787. Fresno County Superior Court Calendar View Fresno County Superior Court calendar for the two most recent days, and B.F. Sisk daily hearing docket. Superior Court of Riverside County (Pablo Ullisses Lara, Jr., Real Party in Interest), S241231 (justice pro tempore to be assigned) . v. ABM Security Services, Inc., S224853, Centinela Freeman Emergency Medical Associates et al. Live Court Streams. Rap lyrics have been used by prosecutors in the U.S. for decades as evidence in criminal cases, helping put rappers behind bars. Fresno County Superior Court small claims matters are handled by the B.F. Sisk Courthouse. v. Padilla (Alex), as Secretary of State, etc., S257302, K.J., a Minor, etc., et al. 10 Dept. Copyright 2015Superior Court of Washingtonfor Cowlitz County. Fresno, CA 93724-0002 S223651Richards (William Joseph) on Habeas Corpus. El Centro, CA 92243. Important Information: Beginning June 15, 2021, all courthouses are open to the public and most in-person services are restored. Superior Court Live Courtroom Feed Live Courtroom Feed Courts streaming online Check Calendar for exact times. of the Court to record a specific proceeding. Note: The Jail Division cannot release an inmate until it has received written notification from the court that all charges have been cleared. fresno county court live stream Under California Rules of Court, rule 1.150, no electronic recordings, audio capture, or rebroadcasting of the live streaming is allowed without the expressed, written consent of the court. ], Laffitte (Mark) et al. Inmate Info (559) 600-8600or (559) 475-9491, North Annex Jail1265 M StreetFresno, CA 93721, South Annex Jail2280 Fresno StreetFresno, CA 93721. Click the watch link to see if this department is on the record. v. Sav-On Drugs et al., and Consolidated Case, S241471, Goonewardene (Sharmalee) v. ADP, LLC, et al., S238941, People v. Amezcua (Oswaldo) and Flores (Joseph), [Automatic Appeal], S133660, Sweetwater Union School District v. Gilbane Building Company et al., S233526, People v. Potts (Thomas), [Automatic Appeal], S072161, People v. Colbert (Mark Anthony), S238954, People v. Armstrong (Jamelle Edward), [Automatic Appeal], S126560, People v. Westerfield (David Alan), [Automatic Appeal], S112691, Rand Resources, LLC, et al. Just another weblog. If you received a citation, then notice the citation date written on it, and you had to pay or appear in court on this date. Read More Humboldt County Superior CourtContinue, Please enable JavaScript in your browser to submit the form, https://publicportal.fresno.courts.ca.gov/FRESNOPORTAL/, FRESNO COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT B.F. SISK COURTHOUSE, FRESNO COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT CRIMINAL COURTS DEPARTMENTS 95 & 96, FRESNO COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT M STREET COURTHOUSE, FRESNO COUNTY SUPERIOR COURT Action Center, Search by Case Number, citation or traffic number, Divorce, legal separation or nullity of marriage, Issues related to marital property division, Processing the sentence orders in criminal cases, Electronic monitoring and fine collection facility, To prepare the case filing, you had to answer some online questions, The legal document will automatically create freely after the answers, File the case online or print the document and send it to the person. United States, 1100 Van Ness Avenue (First floor room behind Jury Assembly Room.) v. City and County of San Francisco et al., S238001, McClain (Michael) et al. The Superior Court of California, County of Fresno has multiple facilities serving the downtown area. The limit for the claim is up to $7500. The court calendar provides a listing, by name, of the department number and scheduled hearing time for upcoming hearings. Fresno County Superior Court provides an electronic self-help service online that will help you in the preparation of the court document using three easy steps: Alameda | Alpine | Amador | Butte | Calaveras | Colusa | Contra Costa | Del Norte | El Dorado | Fresno | Glenn | Humboldt | Imperial | Inyo | Kern | Kings | Lake | Lassen | Los Angeles | Madera | Marin | Mariposa | Mendocino | Merced | Modoc | Mono | Monterey | Napa | Nevada | Orange | Placer | Plumas | Riverside | Sacramento | San Benito | San Bernardino | San Diego | San Francisco | San Joaquin | San Luis Obispo | San Mateo | Santa Barbara | Santa Clara | Santa Cruz | Shasta | Sierra | Siskiyou | Solano | Sonoma | Stanislaus | Sutter | Tehama | Trinity | Tulare | Tuolumne | Ventura | Yolo | Yuba. Live Streamed Courtroom proceedingsmay not be recordedwithout prior permission from the judicial officer, If you need an official recording of the hearing contact Superior Court Administraion. ), S228137, Kirzhner (Allen) v. Mercedes-Benz USA, LLC, S246444, Jarman (Janice) v. HCR ManorCare, Inc., et al., S241431, Facebook, Inc. v. Superior Court of San Diego County (Lance Touchstone, Real Party in Interest), S245203, Conservatorship of the Person of O.B., S254938, Wilde (Leslie T.) v. City of Dunsmuir et al., S252915, Weiss (Evan) et al. 1 Dept. Overview/Program Description:In a collaborative project with the cities of Coalinga and Mendota, the court has commenced Remote Video Proceedings (RVP) in traffic matters. He pleaded not guilty. v. Superior Court of Los Angeles County (Katherine Rosen, Real Party in Interest), S230568 (Richman, J., assigned justice pro tempore), Alvarado (Hector) v. Dart Container Corporation of California, S232607 (Perren, J., assigned justice pro tempore), Heller Ehrman LLP v. Davis Wright Tremaine LLP, and Related Cases, S236208 (Manella, J., assigned justice pro tempore), People v. Garton (Todd Jesse) [Automatic Appeal], S097558 (Poochigian, J., assigned justice pro tempore), People v. Superior Court of Riverside County (Pablo Ullisses Lara, Jr., Real Party in Interest), S241231 (justice pro tempore to be assigned), People v. Perez, Jr. (Joseph Andrew) [Automatic Appeal], S104144 (Jenkins, J., assigned justice pro tempore), McMillin Albany LLC et al. Yes. Contractor: Turner Construction Company et al. Effective October 31, 2022, the Madera County Superior Court is pleased to offer eFiling, a way to electronically file your court documents! The decision to live stream or not is Fresno County Superior Court - Criminal Courts Departments 95 & 96 1265 M Street Fresno, CA 93721 Phone: (559) 457-2000. Program Benefits/Savings: The pilot project is expected to end December 2015 but so far the program has had a lot of positive reviews. et al. PRESS RELEASE 06-22-2021 - HUMBOLDT SUPERIOR COURT - NOW OPEN. (River Park Hospitality, Real Party in Interest and Respondent; Morgan Hill Hotel Coalition, Real Party in Interest and Appellant), S243042, People v. Woodruff (Steve), [Automatic Appeal], S115378, People v. Powell (Troy Lincoln), [Automatic Appeal], S137730, King (Kirk) et al. The defendant must be a resident of this county, and the damage or injury must occur in that county; if the person or the injury is not done in this county, then the claim is not filed in this court. Initial Funding Year: FY 20062007, Western Council of Construction Consumers - Notable Award 2011. The court will know in advance if an interpreter is needed and will ensure that one is present in Coalinga or Mendota prior to the start of RVP. The ruling came after the California Supreme Court transferred the case back to the appellate court to reconsider the case in light of the new law. v. Superior Court of Los Angeles County (ACLU of Southern California et al., Real Parties in Interest), S226645, People v. Landry (Daniel Gary) [Automatic Appeal], S100735, People v. Melendez (Angelo Michael) [Automatic Appeal], S118384, Harris, Jr. (Morris Glen) v. Superior Court of Los Angeles County (People, Real Party in Interest), S231489, People v. Mickel (Andrew Hampton) [Automatic Appeal], S133510, People v. Financial Casualty & Surety, Inc., S229446, In re Transient Occupancy Tax Cases, S218400, People v. Miami Nation Enterprises et al., S216878, Orange Citizens For Parks and Recreation et al. Email (optional) Leave this field blank. The Superior Court of California, County of Fresno, will serve the community and enhance public trust and confidence in the administration of justice through: The impartial and timely resolution of disputes, Ensuring compliance with the law and court orders, and Fostering a vital court-community relationship that promotes equal access to the recorded or broadcast without prior written judicial authorization. v. Health Net of California, Inc. et al., S218497, People v. Williams (George) [Automatic Appeal], S131819, People v. Thompson (Catherine) [Automatic Appeal], S033901. Everyone, including defendants and the judge, is able to see, hear, and speak to each other through this video connection. Prev Next Contact Information Jail Watch Commander (559) 600-8440 Inmate Info (559) 600-8600 or (559) 475-9491 Main Jail 1225 M Street Fresno, CA 93721 North Annex Jail 1265 M Street Fresno, CA 93721 South Annex Jail 2280 Fresno Street Fresno, CA 93721 to be directed to the appropriate judicial officer. The Superior Court is committed to transparency and the doctrine of Open Courtrooms. Prosecutors alleged that a rap in the video, "Got word from a bird[] that they did that [racial slur] dead wrong/Slid up Medical and left that [racial slur] head gone," was boasting about the drive-by shooting, but according to court documents, Venable didn't say anything in the video. Fresno County Superior Courts - Probate Case Search Search online Probate court records for free in Fresno County Superior Courts by case number, case name, party, attorney, judge, docket entry, and more. 61 The public can access our available video hearings from this page. 22 Dept. Click here to access the court calendar. AOC-ITO/NJC (github.com) . v. BNSF Railway Company, S219919 (consolidated cases), S214855 State Department of Finance et al. Live-Streamed Hearings TO PROVIDE REMOTE PUBLIC ACCESS TO THE COURT, SOME CRIMINAL DEPARTMENTS ARE NOW LIVE-STREAMING THEIR PROCEEDINGS TO YOUTUBE.