Thanks for reading. According to some experts, it is ideal to get the timing chain of your vehicle replaced every 100,000 miles thereabouts. If you are replacing a timing chain or chains, it is also critical to inspect and, in some . This is often a sign that your timing chain is severely loose. You can expect it to reach somewhere near two thousand dollars. He has written for the "New York Daily News" and, among other outlets. As a metal part, by default, it's more durable than a timing belt. The timing chain is responsible for synchronizing the engines camshaft and crankshaft, and if it breaks, the engine will not be able to run. Replace timing chain and gears if not within specification. The part number was blanked out for it like it was no longer available, though i did find with more research that it can be had on the cheap. When the rotor starts moving, stop turning the crankshaft, and read the degree meter. What Does IGP Fuse Mean & Why It Is Necessary? Ive has the truck for roughly a month and a half until one morning I turned the truck on and heard the same rattling noise for 2 seconds after a cold start. Crankshaft Pulley Vs Harmonic Balancer: Which Is Better For Your Engine. This engine outputs 375 horsepower and 470 if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'f150advisor_com-large-billboard-2','ezslot_12',165,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-f150advisor_com-large-billboard-2-0');report this adWelcome to, where I, Brad, a seasoned motor mechanic, and publisher, provide all the information you need to know about the Ford F150 pickup. How much does it cost to replace the timing chain on F150 Ecoboost? Estimate for timing chain replacement for my 2007 F-150 with160,000 miles from a reliable mechanic (not a dealership) was $1800-2000 which included 11 hours labor + parts (Oct 2022). Manage Settings Drove it for about a month with no issues whatsoever, so i flashed the 93 tune back on it. 3. As a metal part, by default, it's more durable than a timing belt. Ford 3.5 Ecoboost timing chain replacement cost: New Guide Apply silicone gasket sealant in the places indicated below for both gaskets. There may be showing incorrect voltage reading or auto shut down. All of these OEMs have stated that the lack of oil changes and use of the wrong oil causes the timing chain stretch conditions. We would appreciate it. There is a perception that there was an F150 EcoBoost timing chain recall. While a flathead screwdriver could will work in a pinch, it could also do damage by accident. A very loud rattling/grinding noise from the timing chain.As of October 13th 2014 ther. Note of where the rotor is, and turn the crankshaft, counterclockwise, until the rotor moves. Remove the bolts holding the chain tensioners and chain guides to remove the chain. if(typeof ez_ad_units != 'undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'truckguider_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_3',102,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-truckguider_com-medrectangle-3-0');In 2019, Ford issued a recall for certain model year F-150 trucks equipped with Ecoboost engines. By the way my truck is a 2013 F150. . I noticed the truck needing more throttle to climb similar hills and kind of brushed it off. Look no further. They can improve fuel economy as well. While timing chains are generally considered to be very durable and long-lasting components, there have been some reports of premature failure in EcoBoost vehicles. If your truck is part of the recall, Ford will replace the timing chain at no cost to you. Thanks for the tips! If the tensioner is no longer keeping enough pressure on the timing belt, itll cause it to fail. However, in most situations, it is excessive vibration and improper ignition timing of the vehicle that indicates the urgent need for such a replacement. How to Tell if Your Timing Chain Is Going Bad - RepairPal Heres more on a timing chain vs a timing belt. So, as the belt stretches it adjusts for this stretching. A cam phaser is a computer-controlled sprocket that maintains the position of the camshaft relative to the crankshaft. FYI, Electronic Shift on the Fly 4WD System aka ESOF offers 4 different, Read More [Step-By-Step] How to Use 4 Wheel Drive Ford F150- All Modes Explained!Continue, Are cam phasers covered under powertrain warranty? Well, the general answer is yes. There are a few things you can do to fix this problem: F150 owners should pay attention to any symptoms of timing chain issues after that time. The basic warranty for F150 Ecoboost is three years or 36,000 miles from the date of purchase. Help Prevent Timing Chain Stretch with Good Oil - AMSOIL Blog Here's how to do it yourself. Rotate the crankshaft so that the number 1 cylinder is at top dead center. 2011 Ford F150 5.0 Timing chain You will next remove the heater hose and the lower radiator hoses from the water pump. A major problem was that while the timing chains failed before their prescribed time, the failure often happened after the powertrain warranty had expired. The dealer's are so rude when it comes to warranty work. There isnt usually a service window at all for the chains. Fig. How long does the timing chain last? We didn't see above .5 so my search continues. As you can see, all F150 Ecoboost from 2011-2017 offers a five years/60,000 miles powertrain warranty. However, before they break, they usually loosen. If your timing chain fails at this sort of mileage, only then youre in trouble. The Ford F-150 Ecoboost is being recalled due to a problem with the timing chain. The 3.5L EcoBoost engine is a reliable engine that can last for many miles if properly maintained. Well, according to the data obtained by Repair Pal, the average cost of replacement for it is at least $1,411. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Better update that number is more like 2000 to 220 the kit was just all the sprockets belts my connections and all that and you got to include your gaskets that was 340 that winds up to being like$340 that's for the small kit, Ford wants 6 grand for complete timing kit install with oil pump water pump etc, Do I have to take out engine of a 2000 ford e150 4.6 to change timing chain. Engine misfires If the timing chain is stretched or damaged, it can cause the engine to misfire. The timing had been measured at the correct 14 just 400 miles earlier. The job will generally take a mechanic about 3 to 4 hours to complete. Fixing their problems is a more expensive task and you can expect to spend about $2800-3000. Truck has a prior salvage and I've received bids of $3k to $5k to repair the stretched timing chain correctly. Loosen the ten fasteners holding the valve cover to the cylinder head. This concern may be due to a worn primary timing chain. Then, disconnect the positive (red) battery cable. I would think a 7 retard would make it idle slower at least and maybe . One other tip for getting inside the engine bay. The cost to replace the Ford F-150's timing chain averages between $1,100 and $1,500, with most cost attributable to labor. When a timing chain is loose, several signs can help you identify a potential problem, before it becomes dangerous, costly, or both. Made of metal, a timing chain can be likened to the mechanism of a bicycle chain.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'f150advisor_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_5',167,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-f150advisor_com-medrectangle-3-0');if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[320,50],'f150advisor_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_6',167,'0','1'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-f150advisor_com-medrectangle-3-0_1');.medrectangle-3-multi-167{border:none!important;display:block!important;float:none!important;line-height:0;margin-bottom:7px!important;margin-left:auto!important;margin-right:auto!important;margin-top:7px!important;max-width:100%!important;min-height:50px;padding:0;text-align:center!important}. I imagine the same job on those would be much easier. Bought truck from my son after a $1450.00 so called minor front right bumper crash, that turned into a $11,000 total. Also because it operates from inside rather than outside the engine, a chain doesn't suffer from cracking or drying out like belts do. Good luck with your F150. The powertrain warranty covers the engine and all its components, including the timing chain. If you find yourself in such a case, the next line of thought will be to figure out the actual cost of replacing them. The most recently reported issues are listed below. Vehicle History's team of automotive experts brings you the most accurate and up-to-date used car information. Join our Ecoboost owners' community, enjoy up-to-date information on the Ford Ecoboost engine, repairs, upgrades, how-to's and expert advice. My 4x4's and plank was pretty good, but definitely left a lot to be desired to reach things. Re-install all wiring harnesses, ignition coils, and other loose ends. A water pump is a vital component to the well being of your vehicle's engine. The recall affects trucks from the 2011 to 2013 model years equipped with 3.5-liter Ecoboost engines. Disconnect the negative (black) terminal from the battery first. Be sure to note the wiring and where they go. This allows the air to enter and exit the engine at a precise time. AAAing a truck and loaded trailer home 6.5hrs would be interesting and likely very expensive. The second generation, which was manufactured from 2017 onwards, doesnt have this issue though. In 2002, he received a B.A. I've heard the gen 2 ecoboost has solved some of the Gen 1 issues regarding cam phasors and timing chain stretch. Inspect the fuel injectors for leaks or blockages. As the belt/chain stretches through normal operation, it would get loose and fall off or jump. Finished r/h exhaust manifold ( cracked manifold) and timing chain (stretched). This essential part of the engine makes sure that the rotation of the crankshaft and the camshaft are synchronized. You can change the timing chain with the timing chain service kit if youre confident about your mechanical knowledge. . The cost to replace the Ford F-150's timing chain averages between $1,100 and $1,500, with most cost attributable to labor. Replacing a timing chain is not a difficult job, but it is time consuming. When these components fail, it doesnt take long for the timing chain to do so as well. satisfaction guarantee Shop Now buy the latest best merchandise Ford 4.6L & 5.4L Timing Chain Wedge Tool W/Cam Phaser Lock Outs F150 Expedition, C $160.74 Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Ford 4 6L & 5 Free shipping for many products 4L Timing Chain Wedge Tool W/Cam Phaser . I have a 2011 f150 with the ecoboost 170,000miles, Issues, Repairs, TSBs, Warranty and Recalls, TSB 14-0194 Primary Timing Chain Wear 2011-2014 Ford F150 Ecoboost 3.5L, (You must log in or sign up to post here. All About Powertrain Warranty. 5 years/60,000 miles. Ford countered this in the second generation by replacing it with a dual-chain system to bear the stress better. The fan itself ought to be removed as well. I come home, park the truck again and finally order the timing parts needed per FordTechMakuloco's (hereby known as he or him) YouTube series for the 3.5 timing chain job. When the rotor starts moving, stop turning the crankshaft, and read the degree meter. They are most commonly found on four cylinder engines. A lot of work, but had the time. . On top of that, you also have to keep in mind the price of the parts. Don't see putting that much money into a repair is worth it anyway. There is often a timing chain tensioner noise from within the engine due to a failing tensioner. If you hear such noises on start up, you should probably investigate your timing chain tensioners and guides. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for Engine Timing Chain Kit Front Cloyes Gear & Product 9-0387SH at the best online prices at eBay! I - Answered by a verified Ford Mechanic. I replaced most of the parts and how have a p0017 code. No, not all of them. This means that it takes more stress overall. That is RIDICULOUS, Cheryl. When burning fuel, Ford F150 and Super Duty Fixing Cam Phasers If you notice any of these warning signs, it's advised you contact a local mechanic as soon as possible to diagnose the exact cause and . Before that, trucks were known to have rugged gas-guzzling engines. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. However, these problems could also . The fan shroud (if you have one) takes up vital space and needs to be removed. Before that, trucks were known to have rugged gas-guzzling engines. Of course, proper maintenance is crucial to keeping any engine running well for many miles. Just got it back last night. There are several bolts and dowels keeping this in place. After sending this notice, Ford notified the owners that they had to replace all the variable camshaft timing components and the engines timing chains. This also tells the ECU when it should fire each spark plug for optimal combustion. If there are other issues, you might want to double check the other components that were removed in the process. Any issue with the timing chain after this time limit or specific mileage doesnt fall under the warranty. You will need a pry bar or something similar to jam the pulley, otherwise the pulley will spin when you try and remove its center bolt. If it jumps a tooth, or breaks entirely it can lead to permanent engine damage. But if your car still runs well, here are the other way that points at a failing timing chain that requires quick attention. This article applies to the F-150 (1987-1996). Being new to the truck world, can anyone recommend a manual. The truck drives fine but it feels just a touch sluggish. F150 Ecoboost timing chain warranty allows you to take care of the timing chain replacement in a cost-effective way. The cost of replacing a timing chain on an F150 EcoBoost can vary depending on the year, make, and model of the vehicle. If you encounter a timing chain problem, there is a great chance that youre not covered by Fords powertrain warranty. TSB 14-0194 Primary Timing Chain Wear 2011-2014 Ford F150 - Articles The biggest factor in the cost of this repair is the labor involved. chain noise, - Ford F150 Forum - Community of Ford Truck Fans You can contact Ford customer service at 1-866-436-7332 to see if your truck is included in the recall. Kindly note that a bad tensioner makes the chain go loose and it may soon start hitting other parts. Seems like everyone has left the forum here. Often it is poor maintenance that causes the timing chain to collapse. I took my truck in on May 16. 0. If you happen to have an impact wrench, the job will be easier and you may not need any extra help. The key is to pull it out without scoring or otherwise damaging the surrounding hardware. These are held on with clamps that will require pliers to remove. As a result, Ford has extended the warranty coverage on the timing chains in these vehicles to 8 years or 150,000 miles (whichever comes first). Buy from Amazon. This may look simple, but the answer is quite tricky. I had no issues for the remaining hour or so until i found another long grade up to where we were staying, where it happened again. Ford should cover partial cost of 3.5L timing chain When should the timing belt be replaced on a Ford F150? Now, your timing chain and guides will be exposed. 2. poor engine performance: a stretched timing chain will affect valve timing. An ecoboost timing chain replacement on a Ford F-150 will typically cost between $500 and $700. Be sure to keep up with oil changes and other routine maintenance tasks to help your 3.5L EcoBoost engine last as long as possible. Not changing the engine oil at the proper time, oil quality, etc., affects the performance of the timing chain. It's relatively easy and provides a nice little spot where you can sit INSIDE the engine bay and work in front of you. Haven't worked on engines much since 1980's. Technical - 302 ford timing chain questions | The H.A.M.B. I cleared the codes and got back on the road. The rattle may happen for a longer time and can cause the check engine light. Can You Paint Chrome Bumpers? Please also check out the statistics and reliability analysis of the 2018 Ford F-150 based on all problems reported for the 2018 F-150. Create new posts and participate in discussions. For example, F-150s chain is usually maintenance-free and designed to last the life of the vehicle except the tensioner has been stretched and bled off oil pressure.if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[250,250],'f150advisor_com-box-4','ezslot_2',169,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-f150advisor_com-box-4-0'); In short, the average cost to replace the ford f150 timing chain is $1300, expect to spend anywhere between $1,100 to $1,500. It was a ground-breaking engine that provided an excellent balance of power and efficiency. Disconnect all brackets attached to valve cover and all wiring harnesses and electrical connectors. Ford F-150 2018, Timing Chain by Iwis. How do you change the timing chain on a 3.5 Ecoboost? The timing chain is continuously working whenever your vehicle engine is in use. All About Powertrain WarrantyContinue, Which is preferable flooring for F150 vehicles between vinyl and carpet? Thanks for the added info. Top 10 Best Ford F150 Timing Chains (2020 reviews) - Why We Like This Be warned: this bolt is a bear. year to help you gain confidence about one of your largest purchase decisions. Here is the backstory. 1. After that, your timing chain issues will be handled under the powertrain warranty. But as mentioned earlier, 40,000 and 100,000 miles of engine usage is the typical duration at which the timing chain needs to be replaced, depending on the vehicle. But are there any models of GMC Acadia years to avoid when youre thinking about buying one? If you are going to replace the tensioner, make sure to swap the belt as well. Considering just trading it in for a '20 5.0 Coyote, but I really like not having a truck payment right now haha what is this groups opinion on a 5.0 Coyote to replace my EB. The most common issue with the timing chain is timing chain stretching. There are two that must be removed. Discussion in 'Issues, Repairs, TSBs, Warranty and Recalls' started by rinzlerdotexe, Nov 30, 2015. The problem of broken guides on the timing-chain. Read the degree meter, and see how many degrees the crankshaft moved. If you have an affected F-150 Ecoboost, please contact your local Ford dealer to schedule an appointment. Designed to deliver trouble-free, consistent performance Right for your vehicle and lifestyle. Timing belts are made out of rubber and nylon, unlike a timing chain which looks a lot like a bicycle chain. The pins wear out over time and so does the plastic bushing. No one has added a helpful site for this 2013 F-150 problem yet. You just saved yourself several hundred dollars in labor. By continuing to use this site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. btw, I noticed that the listed TSB is old for anyone wondering what is the latest one, I thought I should mention its 17-0026 released like March 2017. Same thing happens, the boost drops off and i am forced to climb a hill very slowly. My only question is will it happen again? You will need to remove the valve cover in order to access the timing chain. ISSUE. Thanks for the help! Also because it operates from inside rather than outside . So, the service cost might be high. The 2014 Ford F-150 has 1 problems reported for timing chain stretched. The timing belt is a band of solid rubber that contains notches on its internal surface, similar to the gear's teeth. Disconnect this one first as it'll be the easiest to get to. If your truck is affected by this recall, you will need to take it to a Ford dealership to have the repairs made. Are Cam Phasers Covered Under Powertrain Warranty? And of course it wasn't. If this is the case, the damage is already done. Reinstall the alternator, serpentine belt tensioner, all pulleys, and serpentine belt. Fuel efficiency is one of the most important things to consider when you drive, especially if youre a truck owner who needs to haul large items and travel long distances. Ford says that there have been reports of the timing chains breaking, but no accidents or injuries have been reported. I watched a 5 part video on replacing it. nstueve, sne97hd Timing Chain Stretch - Engine Oil - Tomorrows Technician The timing chain can start to stretch and wear over time, which will cause the engine's timing to be inaccurate and produce a few warning signs. A lot of work, but had the time. 3. Timing Chain Kit Oil Pump Fit 97-04 Ford Expedition E150 F150 4.6 These problems have been eliminated in the trucks from 2017 and onwards. The recall was issued due to reports of the timing chain stretching and potentially causing engine damage. 3.8 L V6 engine rapping sound - Ford F150 Forum If you've recently changed the timing chain, it may very well have not been aligned properly on install. It doesn't "stretch" like a rubber band; instead the enlarged clearances between the links and pins create slack, effectively increasing the chain's diameter.Soon your roughly 43-inch (109.22-cm) timing chain becomes a 43.1-inch (109.474-cm) or larger timing chain. This stored energy, Read More 4 Most Common Ram eTorque Problems And Their Possible SolutionsContinue. We research hundreds of models each Signs of a Stretched Timing Chain | It Still Runs Finished r/h exhaust manifold ( cracked manifold) and timing chain (stretched). I don't notice any difference in how it runs either. If youre concerned about this issue, its best to consult with a qualified mechanic or Ford dealer to get their opinion on whether your particular engine is at risk. Some of the most notorious engines for timing chain stretch include the GM High-Feature V6, Ford Modular V8 and Nissan VQ V6. I am pretty sure I can handle the work. Start the truck. If they are old or worn, replace them. This is a sign of a loose timing chain. On the other hand, the timing chain is a continuous metal chain that attaches the camshaft with crank sprockets. While timing chains can last for a long time, they do eventually wear out. How to Replace Your Water Pump I was on vacation and they told me it would be done when I got back. The tensioners job is to keep the right amount of pressure on your Ford F150s timing belt or chain. I was forced down to second gear at 20-25mph climbing the rest of the hill before i was able to pull off. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. After parking the truck for the weekend, we decided it was best to see how far it would get before giving us crap. Please register or login to enable Dark Mode. However, I have realized that the cost is mainly attributed to labor because a lot of disassembling and assembling is involved. Timing chain noise is most noticeable on cold startup when oil pressure and flow is at its lowest. Had to get ugly to get it back because it was warranty work and they were taking their time. The job will generally take a mechanic about 3 to 4 hours to complete. Yes, Noah is here with his core experiences about trucks, cars, suvs and atvs. A stretched chain causes a few drivability issues, maybe some noise, then escalates into a full blown tear-down due to bent valves. I have 2011 F 150 with a 3.5 ecoboost. What happens when the chain eventually breaks as you drive is that the pistons will be damaged due to its contact with the valves which can jeopardize the entire engine when bent. . Reply. in theater and writing from the University of Northern Colorado. That being said, the EcoBoost did have some known issues one of them being its timing chain. I plugged in my SCT tuner and pulled the codes, even though it didnt have a lit CEL yet. Yes my timing chain was stretched 1/2 an inch and my cam chain adjuster was all the way out because of a clip that came off. I am opening up the engine timing chain cover to inspect the chain and tensioner and will check for stretched timing chain per procedure in my Hanes Repair manual. For more information, please see our Lets find out the timing chain warranty for f150 Ecoboost along with its working process, importance, and longevity. 4. Rotate the crankshaft so that the number 1 cylinder is at top dead center. Had to make a special wrench to get to it. The price may be higher or lower depending on the complexity of the job and the labor costs in your area. But, most of these problems can be solved quickly without spending much money, while others may take longer to fix. I didnt even have the rattle on start up that usually accompanies a stretched chain. However the F-150's chain is designed to last the life of the vehicle, and remain maintenance free unless it breaks or the tensioner is stretched. When the front cover is removed, you'll have access to the timing chain for removal and replacement. Cloyes Engine Timing Chain Kit for Ford 9-0387SH . Alternatively, there's a special tool just for this task available on Amazon. I have a 2018 F150 5.0L has an oil consumption problem and the chains are making a lot of noise. Hence, the noise from the engine as you drive, and this sound ranges from a knocking sound to a squeaky or chirping sound. The man over the service department said he didn't care why I was upset and to get out of his office. Engine misfires - If the timing chain is stretched or damaged, it can cause the engine to misfire. I will start that first.