My School people didnt accept you, then you were out and ran out, all Schools are like that. You can also get our free newsletter, follow us on Facebook & Pinterest. The tunehas long been mistaken as a tribute to the Protti/Costas murder case. It was a fictional depiction loosely based on Kirsten and Bernadette. Kirsten never got to Cheer, go to Prom, Graduate or go on to College. Bernadette and Kirsten were friends supposedly. Yes the guys should of paid for it, but the Judicial System is funny that way, unfortunately the girls paid for it. How do you know she was mean? Probably was, she allowed 2:girls to take the blame. Bunch of Bernadettes lurking around everywhere. Youre not now Bullying a dead girl, makes you worse than her, you will be the one to Answer for it, not her, she already has, Bernadette sure isnt any Angel shes a Cold Blooded Killer, dont care what her reasons are, she is the Bully, and Kirsten is the Victim. The goth was actually into New Wave music and was not goth people at the school just thought she was weird for dying her hair New Wave because it was such a conservative school. Joy, why dont you stick to writing under one name instead of creating different aliases? Who can walk a straight line and never say one un kind word ever, w all make mistakes, and most teen girls do get Caddy at times thats just Normal, but we outgrow it. It wont bring Kirsten back. Youre not looking at that Situation. They made that clear and so did she Every single day. Cant blame Kirsten if you werent popular, maybe ask yourself why. Im not saying that she should have been killed, but sometimes bad behavior has a terrible outcome which is why we all need to teach our children to respect the feelings of others. She refused to. One of her relatives I asked how to get ahold of her, and they said she dont want to be bothered with anyone at all from her past, coworkers, former schoolmates and former friends, outside of family she dont want to talk to anyone. Select this result to view Angela E Delvecchio's phone number, address, and more. No reason for Murder cause someone is what you arent, or ever will be. NEXT: Netflix's Cheer: Where the Cheerleaders Are Now, 10 Awesome Facts You Need To Know About The Lifetime Film, A Friend To Die For, 90210's Tori Spelling Can't Be on Real Housewives Because She's 'Too Nice', 10 Best High School Movies Of All Time (Ranked By Rotten Tomatoes), Heroes: How Saving The Cheerleader Saved The World (It's Not What You Think, Netflix's Cheer: Where the Cheerleaders Are Now. I was told she had no known enemies. As for me, Im the same age as the girls involved in the case. You are bullying a dead teenage girl by deliberately and knowingly perpetuating lies about her because you appear to identify with Angela Delvecchio in Death of a Cheerleader ( a character that doesnt exist and is not a real representation of what Bernadette Protti was like). That child was a nightmare to her peers and friends (lets not forget how much she disrespected them every day). The release of Protti was met with vehement opposition from Costass parents. Ive been suicidal just from being bullied. Bernadette was Shady then, shady now. This is Bern or her sister, or even BFF. A popular and pretty cheerleader, Kirsten Costas, was dead, and sheriff's deputies were searching for the girl who stabbed her. Pre-meditation seems sensible between the clothes and the knife. To begin life anew without the stigma of murderer attached to her, the parolee legally changed her name to Jeannette Butler and moved from California to Oklahoma and became a nurse. Bernadette, as described would have known that Kirsten would have thought it weird to be driving around with a butcher knife. This type of case just proves what can happen when bullies go too far. When Angela cleans off the knife with which she stabbed Stacy, she does so by running it under water and wiping it with a towel, leaving both her and Stacy's DNA all over it, the towel and in the drain. Some 86 graduate girls felt ridiculed and belittled by them as well as I did and others. Still no one deserves to die. So Mats Bernadette was Sweet. Any more update regarding Bernadette and the family members of both girls? But Kirsten didnt deserve to die, some of those girls changed and are more sensitive. If she was mad, she should of just beat the crap out of Kirsten, not kill her. Shes still a Murderer and will never be anything but, as long as shes Alive, I wont forgive her for it, and neither will Kirstens family and friends. Those girls like Chris she hung with has changed, theyre not like they were in school, Kirsten would of changed also as she got older. Im irritated. that HS was a tough place especially for girls. This version stays true to how Protti confessed, which was by writing a letter to her mother, as opposed to confessing to her priest. first of all, the judge had to be stupid to find it second degree murder and it doesnt matter if she didnt plan to kill kirsten. IN REALITY, Kristen was, at worst, sometimes catty to Bernadette. How many teen girls dont get Smart Aleck, its a normal part of a teens life. There is no justification for murder, and I am not siding with the criminals, but you can push someone so far. Like Missy Availa a girl said Missy was the meanest girl she ever met, and her worst bully ever. 86ers you want to forgive thats up to you, it would be nice if something could be worked out and you all could go back to the wya things were and not are. She is still recognised for the horrific crime that she committed in 1984, which was the murder of a young girl whose name was Kirsten Marina Costas. I agree with Karen, you cant prove Kirsten bullied Bernadette. John even if Kirsten was as mean as Tori Spelling (which BTW she wasnt) that is still no right to Murder her. Dont trust someone like that. Sorry but the parents are to blame. I believe Bernadette tried to friend her, and as I read and I do believe she acted on impulse, I believe she was just so enraged she snapped and did the (unthinkable). I believe she made a fool out of herself begging and crying to Kirsten about how she feels no one likes her ( which wasnt the true case then) and was kept repeatedly begging to Kirsten to be her (friend) and made a complete fool out of herself and it just freaked Kirsten out and scared her. We are all different. This is what can happen when you are a bully. When Kirsten Costas was found dead, she was a popular and gorgeous cheerleader. I didnt know Kirsten very well. Rene was a lovely girl too who suffered not having opened the door for Kirsten because she was young and scared and didnt know what was going on, or who was at the door. I still cant believe this individual who killed someone because of jealousy, if she was so down in the dumps they why didnt she just KILL herself?????? Kirsten was a (down to earth) girl and she had a few she didnt like, esp. Sensing something fishy, Kirsten escaped from the car, but Protti followed her home and attacked her there with a kitchen knife. If Bernadette isnt depressed it would be a Miracle. Can you give examples of Kirsten bullying Bernadette? I dont think she was, just a teen girl who was like the rest in competition. This poor girl never got to grow up and experience life all because some horrible, disturbed girl murdered her. I think Bernadette went about it in the wrong way. Rest In Peace Kirsten. There was no teasing and ostracisation. I had an English class with Kirsten and her friends, we were all put in pairs in order to read off as part of a project, Kirsten and them just acted as though I was invisible and everyone in our group (but me) got to read a part. It would appear that kirsten marina costas was a spoilt rich kid who never had to go without any luxuries at all. lifetime Death of a Cheerleader - What Happened to Angela Delvecchio? [6], It took the police almost six months to find Costas' killer. Why cant people leave this case alone. I am almost certain she and Bernadette had words its Obvious, but Kirsten got in the Car with her, Kirsten didnt have anything against Bernadette, Bernadette took it way to Personal till it became Personal and (fatal). The only truly real statement that is completely believable is Bernadettes taped confession where she is mostly panicked about press and people knowing. I dont think they meant any harm at all, and as for the prank calls, they were probaly only fooling around, Nancy would take it all wrong, and say things back thinking it was a personal attack my standpoint. Killed a girl because you were jealous? Well one mother of her friend on a blog told Kirsten was Exclusive and liked everyone. When a car honked outside the house on Orchard Road around eight-thirty, Kirsten left the TV on, walked out to a mustard-colored Pinto and got in. I dont think she intended to kill Kirsten, I believe she was desperate for a friendship and pushed to hard at it, and when she realized she made a fool out of herself, to became to much for her to handle and she did the (unthinkable). The rest of you can lurk around and limp your hunchback selves to therapy. Bernadette Protti, a fellow student at Miramonte High School in California, was the one who took the life of Kirsten Costas in 1984. Details About His Custody, Dust Bunny: Who Is It? So youre justifying Murder due to bullying? I wasnt crazy about Kirsten Carrie, Christine and the rest, I knew how She wasnt interested in helping outcast kids, cause she wanted to be in, and she was popular to from my standpoint of view. Bernadette then drove Kirsten to an empty car park at night and appears to have confessed feelings of admiration for Kirsten. One girl said stupid stuff that embarrassed you, and cussed all the time, and other girls who smoked or cussed, she didnt associate with them, she didnt want around them. Her house was nice to,(as nice as Kirstens) so she wasnt a lonely poor girl who struggled for friends. Regardless no one deserves to die like that. It just became a War between the 2 which one was better, and Kirsten was, and Bernadette wanted to be, and Kirsten was in her way. She may of just wanted to scare Bernadette so she would leave her alone (Bernadette) Bernadette took things way to personal, and, it became Personal.. Joe Kosla hi. So Kirsten was a Bully, no right to Justify Bernadettes actions. Bernadette isnt coming anyway, she is not well anymore. Not youre so called Sweet friend Bernie. I never understood why Bernadette killed Kirsten. She was jealous of Kirsten and wanted to be everything Kirsten was, but could nt so she killed her. Like I said, I wasnt there, but if she was Bullying Bernadette, why didnt Bernadette just beat her up and whip on her good? Paris Mahone, did you even know Kirsten? To suggest that Kirsten deserved what happened to her because she didnt appreciate the fact that Bernadette lied to her to get her out of her house under the pretence of a bobbies initiation dinner, is very, very sick and evil and I hope for the sake of others around you that you are on some sort of medication because you appear to have issues. Bernadette was better looking then Kirsten. There is no evidence of Kirsten being mercilessly cruel to anyone. Teenagers killed each other for being bullied or cause they are lesbian? I mean she stabbed another girl to death because she was afraid to get made fun of at school or be outed or whatever. Im sure at Reunions they are. Those boys were wealthy and were far from bullied. Was Bernadette fragile when she watched as two innocent girls were accused of Kirstens murder by the Orinda community? Bernadette Protti | Murderpedia, the encyclopedia of murderers So I would say to any bully, we all have our weaknesses, I saw an interview with one of her classmates who described her as mean. Your eyes are deceiving you. I didnt really know her, just who she was, same for Bernadette. You took the words right out of my mouth! It was to Personal. You seem to have the mentality of a child. My kid knows better than to bully others. Killing is still not an excuse but Id have to say the real losers out of this situation are Bernadettes parents. As for Bernadette, dont you think she paid for it, she cant show her face in fear of someone bringing up her past, it will always be there forever, so she got caught, and got hers I case you think she didnt. Kristens parents are right the story as told doesnt make any sense. I didnt kill them. You clearly are basing your opinions on a movie a fictional depiction. On June 23, 1984, Costas was duped into attending a meal for the schools sorority-like Bob-o-Links by a bogus invitation. I have to laugh with this being 2021 and the person with the most judgment has the name of Karen. If she didnt like someone , there was a reason. Kirsten was a true Social Butterfly, always joking with others, talking with others, We werent friends but I liked Kirsten and all those girls. The knife was her sisters for making lunch it was even in the movie that way. She was outgoing even as a nurse, but now, I hear she dont really associate with anyone outside of family. I guess that makes their daughter better than anybody elses. Your comments continue to reiterate the plot for the movie Death of a Cheerleader. The person I knew didnt hate Kirsten, she just thought she was Snooty or Misunderstood. I cant even begin to picture Kirsten even acting halfway like Tori Spelling did, in the new Movie the Kirsten portrayed wasnt as bad, but I dont think Kirsten was like that either. Cause Kirsten was friends with most people who were (popular) and Bernadette wanted to be included in that so badly.. The film's events show shy student Angela Delvecchio, desperate to be popular, intergrating herself into The Larks and attempting to win the friendship of Stacy (who she idealized). Kirstens friends dont sit and discuss Morbid depressing stuff to start with. The only freak in this tragic story is Bernadette. Did you ever think that she would not want to try to defend herself in court with letting out the terrible things Kristen said to her and how she berated her and others because she was sorry and she felt as though that would only add insult to injury to Kristens family? Lots of Students had to seek Counseling that year over all this. 0 Review . Bernadette planned everything down to the last detail, even telling Kirstens Mum to ask Kirsten not to tell anyone about the supposed dinner that night. I always noticed Bernadette would give Kirsten stares and mean looks at times. If Kirsten was going to out Bernadette she would of told Alex Arnold all about her. Thisb isnt about Columbine, its about the Kirsten Costas case. Deadly Women portrayed Kirsten differently, she was kind of like that, but cut up more and more bouncier. Costas was the victim of the assault. None of those Orinda kids are even around from that time frame, as some of them are dead. That was all taken from her, so unfair. I dont think she suffers from depression, but she is wanting to isolate from the World. Also, Im flattered by the attention you gave me on the blog. I think Miramonte was like any School, you have your cliques and picks. Shes no better than you. The dinner took place at the schools cafeteria. As for knowing her Personally I didnt, I know someone who did, she was Bubbly and full of Jokes and Laughs. Real class comes from decent human beings who have respect for others. They hung out together, Bernadette couldnt face up Kirsten was more Popular than she was, and better at everything. The only incident Bernadette recounted was a remark Kirsten made about her skis. Most of the Bobbies were Snooty. I cant tell you if every single one of them get together, I know lots do. Menu. In addition to joining the Bobbies, Kirsten was a member of the varsity swim team. Bernadette would have seen the pain and anguish on Kirstens face, the fear and shock in Kirstens eyes, listened to Kirsten scream in agony (she was reported to have screamed) as she felt the knife rip through Kirsten skin. I live minutes from Columbine Highschool and you have absolutely no clue. I clearly remember hearing about the shocking murder a frightening mystery that colored every day and night in Orinda until an arrest was made. justice was nwot served and the costas have shed tears and felt grief for over 30 years and i think bernadette shouldnt have been given the privelege to go to college, get her high school diploma, have a boyfriend, and then have kids and get married no she should have been locked in a brick cell staring at walls all day so that she could focus on what she did but no she is scott free now to go out and kill again if she wants. If there was people in need, in the Bobbies we helped those people.. if someone didnt have nice clothes we were theyre Secret Santa at Christmas time If someone wasnt as smart, (we didnt knock them down), we helped them Kirsten did to,(so did Bernadette) In fact, Bernadette wanted to help the poor. If it was your child that was murdered for some idiotic reasonsIm sure your perspective would change. Current Celebrity News: Angela Delvecchio - Blogger You appear to be making up scenarios in your head about Bernadettes life and have difficulty differentiating fact from fiction. I think its time to move forward and put this whole horrible deal behind you cause life is way to short. While in Hockey and Baseball 2005, it is button-up from the top. We bought a do up property. Upper middle class at least. Some are quick, rich, own the finest and the most expensive of anything. I never saw her actually bully and some said they cant picture Kirsten ever being unkind Kirsten was loved by many very many. The profesors are going home and the parents are at work all day and dont have a time for kids, so what do you expect from society like that. Angela Delvecchio Aka Bernadette Protti: Where Is she Today? The Despite how shes best known, and though she officially had a place on the squad for the upcoming school year, her life was ended before she ever got to cheer for the MHS team. Patient Perspective. Dont let that sweet innocent act fool you. She should have been happy With the circle of friends and family she had. People, cant we all just get along and respect one anothers opinion? Bernadette was furious and resentful that Again so many came on saying they knew Kirsten and sharing Personal Details on other girls there. She didnt give examples because she wasnt bullied by Kirsten. Bernadette was not a nice girl, if she was then shed never of killed Kirsten, shed left her alone and went on. The girls quarreled and Costas fled to the home of Alex and Mary Jane Arnold, telling them that her friend had gone "weird. So some of them will say Orinda had snobs. She hugged people all the time was a ( social butterfly). I can see Kirsten not wanting to be bothered with her. I suffer from PTSD. She didnt care wheather her mom or dad suffered, she just would not subject herself to something like suicide because she loves herself more then anyone else. As Kirsten walked away from Arnolds car, the other girl swooped out from behind a tall hedge and ran forward with her arm raised. They had Bernadette as a suspect and only give her a lie detector test? I believe that the real number was held by the cops. Feeling bad for Bernadette bc was a pathetic, weak, emotionally unstable girl, fragile or whatever doesnt change the fact that shes also a murderer. Regardless she didnt deserve to die, and she isnt the only one who laughed at people in High School. Cause Bern for weeks went on and on about Kirsten to where her friends kept getting tired of hearing it. I knew both gals. Kirsten was very Popular, but there were a few a little more Popular, why didnt Bern go after them and befriend them, the girls on Homecoming Court, and in the Atlantis Club. I never imagined she would literally kill Kirsten, cause Bernadette was so quiet and her demeanor said nothing about her being a killer at all. The movie really leaned toward Bernadette being seen by Kirsten and others as less of a person. Not saying Kirsten and Missy were Saints, but we all Bully and been Bullied. I hear she isnt a nurse any longer and just stays home mostly. Bernadette was prettier. Gripping, sad, and just plain scary, A Friend to Die For premiered in September and was the highest-rated TV movie of 1994 (10 years after the actual murder.) The latest Tweets from Angela Del Vecchio (@angidelvecchio1) No , then its gona be she was mental ill and forgotten forever yes? Giving our McDonalds name Dont prove you know them. Several girls in Interviews said they didnt want to be found cause there years at Miramonte wasnt the best. Angela Delvecchio Death Of A Cheerleader - Blogger Just because the Costas had millions of dollars and Are socialites Of the upper class community Does not give their family the right to treat others like dirt. I came across people like that in my in-laws family when I was married and it is pathetic the way older siblings are so selfish. Orinda folks and former Students who knew Kirsten are not into Morbid fascinations. She had friends to, some were Bernadettes, and they dont care to hear from or about Bernadette anymore. Missy didnt start fights just stood her ground. Your email address will not be published. I see why her Sisters and mom forgive her, theyre her family and family sticks by you. Snotty people blamed her publicly and without mercy.. shame on them, you know who you are. Bernadette was a Sociopath and stalked her, and dwelled on her for Months about Kirsten not liking her when in fact Kirsten had nothing against Bernadette till that Fateful Night. So whoever said Kirsten was mean, and was a B I cant picture that, I didnt know her very well either, we all have a mean side, I never seen it in her. She had a circle of friends, Kirsten was more popular though. It shows what a shallow, loser, she was. Even religion, which is supposed to be about mostly how you treat others. Rest In Peace Kirsten. Until something happens. I was fortunate to be surrounded by guys who were my best friends from 3rd grade and were very popular. I think NOT! The movie did not do justice to Kirstens memory as it seemed to blame the victim rather than the killer. She is the younger sister of Tony Delvecchio. Whoever DD is of Kirsten and them didnt like her, its cause she probably acted (Weird) around them. RELATED: Red Dead Redemption 2 & 9 Other Video Games That Make You Feel Like A Frontiersman You need to educate yourself before speaking on things you have no clue about. That Saturday evening, Kirstens parents and brother left to attend a potluck dinner for Peters Little League team. Angela Delvecchio - Death of a Cheerleader (Pictures, Video) I knew nothing about this story until I saw it on lifetime and I actually felt really sorry for Kelly Martin who portrayed Bernadette protti. Same for Karen Severson and Laura Doyle theyre cold blooded killers to, Missy was Kirstens age, this happened not long after Kirsten was Murdered. Not boring (ugly, maybe, not boring), and also thus not a natural blonde. What teen isnt? Landscape Suicide 1986 is the closest after Bernadettes interview with the Police it shows it. Wherever the group went, they were noticed. And Sarah saying Kirsten got what she deserved. Birthday: 12/20. I was the daughter of a single mom who was a teacher. I didnt know her, but had a friend whos Facebook friend did. Im betting youre some white chick who wouldnt know. LP even if she doesnt get around to much to see people, Im sure theres a purpose in her life to. Kirstens house was Smaller than Bernadettes, how was Kirsten all around was she friendly? The girl that stole her life from her shouldve never been released from prison. from what I have read on different blogs from kids that actually went to school with both these girls they have said that this movie did not accurately portray either one of the girls and thats very frustrating for people who watch the movie and find themselves empathizing with the wrong person. (207) 288-8449. As for Kirsten making fun of outcasts, I agree every school has outcasts. Whether the murder was premeditated or not, no one can really determine that, still a young girl died at the hands of Bernadette Protti, and Bernadette will have to live with that the rest of her life. For murder! She didnt hate anyone. Kirsten is better looking than bernadette, because Kirsten facial features are in proportion with her face.. bernadette is not. The Principal though highly of her. Girls in Jr high and high School can be Brutal. Join Facebook to connect with Angela Delvecchio and others you may know. Several on the site say Kirsten was Sweet Cute and Funny. That leaves only the knife and whether its true or not a witness corroborated the girls account. Theres way to much in Life than to be spending it chasing someone around over 30 years ago the justice system failed, its just pointless. . The movie eve swapped their hair colours you cant take it too seriously although it did iclude certain claims of Beradettes like that Kirsten commented on Bernadette having cheap ski boots although all she said was that Bernadette made some comment not even what the comment was and that Kirstens voice was unexcited when she saw it was Bernadette. As for Bernadette, I didnt know her well, but said hello to her a few times in passing at school, and when she came to get the attendance slips. Bernadette deserved the same sentence as would any get it doesnt matter even if she was a juvenile at the time she.should have been trialed as an adult. Kirstens friends arent either (not one bit). Most people would find that bizarre and off-putting and would certainly not deserve to be killed over it. A Murderer, So Kirsten was a Snob, a lot of ppl are, the way she died,was Horrific. No one owes anyone a thing. All of the pictures featured here are photos taken from newspapers, not the authors private collection. Former Case Manager at The Neighborhood Center of West Volusia. A lot of murder cases they get s light sentence or aquitted, but they also get harassed by the public and media so they dont get off all the way, the media torments them. Really? Now that you know, have fun looking around! How was the judge stupid when first of all the evidence didnt show or prove 1st degree murder then secondly that was the law at the time? Im not arguing with and dont mean to appear hostile and wouldnt have bothered replying until I read that you are suggesting that you all (which I suppose includes me) sound like the people you are gossiping about. I dont know why you are saying nice things about Kristen she was very mean and she said stuff that offended people she stop acting like she was innocent. No right to murder. Read the article, read more on the actual case, stop judging real people based on a low-budget lifetime movie. Hard to comprehend how this Bernadette flew into a rage and savagely murdered her classmate. She liked mostly everybody. You will think positive then allow being moved by what ppl say or do. They probably rubbed her the wrong way, or got on her nerves somehow. You got back at her more than enough, its best to leave her alone on other sites. But would a real student please come forward and reveal yourself. I guess Bullying Justifies Murder, the way youre putting it, Kirsten is the real Vicitm, not Bernadette. Over, if Kirsten bullied B why didnt B use it to Strenghten her Case. After she married, her name changed again to Jeanette Tomanka and she and her husband, as well as their child, moved to Oregon. its very frustrating when the characters are not truly depicted in an accurate manner. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Kirsten was always joking around. Angela Delvecchio pictures, video: Mac I hardly knew this girl. She needed friends, more encouragement from teachers, not teasing and ostracisation. Thats how she probably got associated with not liking people who didnt fit in. Learn how and when to remove this template message, "Girl, 16, Convicted in Classmate's Slaying: Teen-ager Feared Victim 'Was Going to Tell People I Was Weird', "In a Deadly Explosion of Teenage Unhappiness, One Life Is Cut Short, Another Blighted by Murder", "Calif. murder suspect, 16, called polite, loving person", "FBI witness ties jealousy to Costas murder", "Protest over parole of schoolgirl's killer", "Chilling film examines 'Landscape' of murder", "Five murders and the movies they inspired",, History of Contra Costa County, California, Articles needing additional references from October 2018, All articles needing additional references, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2019, Articles with unsourced statements from May 2019, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 13 September 2022, at 04:01.