Along with Adderall, many medications can cause decreased saliva production, tooth decay, and halt tooth remineralization. Adderall addiction: Signs, causes, and treatment, tongue and mouth movement, including tongue sucking, biting or chewing of the tongue, lips, or inner cheeks, using artificial saliva from sprays, lozenges, or gels. However, because some of these symptoms can occur for various reasons, some less specific treatments could prove helpful. My dentist has estimated it will cost me over 10,000$ to fix my smile and live normally again. Thank you for your interest in Hypersomnia Foundation! Thank you, I'll try this. Other Dental Side Effects of Adderall Abuse Adderall teeth grinding can cause the fracturing, chipping, or flattening of teeth, wearing down the enamel, leading to pain and tooth sensitivity. Now I know I'm not crazy lol. superkickerjess 2 yr. ago. who asked this question!! My philosophy is f**k sugar it ain't worth it. I could go several ways with this, but hear me out. The people who use the drug encounter distress both physically and mentally. Adderall is a trading name or the market name for a drug. Some people try to equate those using ADHD meds properly with people who abuse meth or prescription stimulants, thus attributing all of the nasty effects of abuse to proper usage, and that's just bullshit and ignorance. Also known as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), this is when stomach acid washes back into the esophagus. Make sure it's not sugary drinks. There are two ways to treat bruxism: by treating the symptoms and treating the underlying cause. Stimulants are often prescribed for the treatment of hypersomnias because they act to target the nervous system to increase wakefulness. Sleep disorders: If your teeth grinding is due to sleep apnea or a related cause, your doctor might recommend a sleep therapist. is reader-supported. When the drug is not consumed anymore, the body presents symptoms that are opposite of the effects produced by the drug. I have been taking Adderall for a few months, and recently switched to Adderall XR, and although I noticed a progressive increase in tongue and lip sensitivity, by about 5 days after switching to the XR formulation, the pain in my tongue and lips was extreme (as if I had burned them). Using artificial saliva products (such as sprays) which can help moisten the tissues and lessen the discomfort of dry mouth (these do not require a prescription and may be found on drugstore shelves), 2. Is Adderall a controlled substance and addictive? College students often use Adderall without prescription to do without sleep so they can study and/or party, though there is some doubt that it actually helps individuals without ADHD or narcolepsy, other than as a placebo.,,,,,,, Feds Will Start Limiting Telehealth Prescriptions for Painkillers, ADHD Drugs, Youngest Kids in Class More Likely to Get Prescribed ADHD Meds, What's Driving the Ongoing Adderall Shortage -- and What Parents Can Do. I struggled through school because the meds back then made you a zombie. Moreover, the patient should adopt some effective practices that will also contribute a lot to ease the pain. Adderall and other stimulant ADHD medications can have side effects, some of which. I started taking Adderall when I was 21, I had perfect teeth, never had a cavity. First is the obvious teeth grinding/jaw clenching either when awake or asleep. Adderall is used for the treatment of ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder). If you're having a stressful period, the cravings increase and added to stress hormones released in the body, even a person not on adderral will be more prone to canker sores (ulcers in the mouth). It works by changing the amounts of certain natural substances in the brain. Prominently, people show concern regarding why does Adderall make my body hurt? Some of the most commonly prescribed medications that have an effect on your oral health include: Sleep aids (Ambien, Lunesta) ADHD medications (Adderall, Ritalin) Antihistamines (Vistaril, Ararax) | Disclaimer | Privacy Policy, International Healthcare Provider Directory, Guides for Working With People With Hypersomnias, International Patient Registry Join or Update Your Data. The methods that are quite helpful in such cases include the consumption of more water to keep the body hydrated and ions concentration within the normal range. Xywav, Vyvanse, methylphenidate, Concerta, Ritalin, Strattera, modafinil, atomoxetine, dextroamphetamine, amphetamine / dextroamphetamine. I break a tooth and get a crown. now today i tried to eat some chicken and it felt like there was a rash on the roof of my mouth. Stimulants can make your blood vessels constrict, raise your blood pressure, and make your heart beat faster. Whether it is something to eat, drink, or associated with physical activity, etc. It does this by providing compassionate care and evidence-based content that addresses health, treatment, and recovery. Adderall is one of several stimulant medications that treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Thanks that's what I thought. Many people who have ADHD and take Adderall, may encounter feelings of euphoria. Similarly, if we talk about different drugs, they have some side effects too. Adderall will cause excessive production of dopamine. In contrast, methylphenidates block the reuptake of dopamine and norepinephrine in the brain, increasing their concentration. Have you been able to find out any more info? These effects on the brain can translate into improved attention and lessened hyperactivity. inside cheek may also get chewed up. Drink lots of water, stay away from sugar, and brush your teeth after each meal. Scientists know that amphetamine usage, including that of Adderall, can lead to the following adverse effects: Similarly, doctors are well aware of the following methylphenidate adverse effects: Some side effects of stimulant ADHD medications, including Adderall, specifically affect the tongue and mouth. Some people mention sugar. Illicit amphetamines can lead to premature birth if administered to pregnant mothers. If you suddenly stop taking Adderall it can cause a crash. The major reason behind the body ache that later stimulates pain in the joints is the disturbed blood flow. The causes of this disorder vary and are often unknown, but there are links between bruxism and smoking, alcohol, caffeine, illicit drug use and many prescribed medications, including stimulants. I was just reading this and Im shocked. Saliva contains minerals that neutralize the acids produced by bacteria in dental plaque. Dry mouth may also cause an increased accumulation of plaque, white spots on tooth enamel (demineralization) and an increase in tooth decay. i now feel like teeth falling out is imminent. I also have a constant need to be smoking something. I started taking Adderall when I was 21, I had perfect teeth, never had a cavity. Antidepressants or anti-anxiety medications may be tried to help reduce the underlying depression and anxiety. At 25, I had 2 teeth removed and since then I've lost an additional 7 teeth. While the extended-release version of the drug i.e. Last updated on Nov 1, 2022. Most of us didn't. Your dentist is underestimating the power of xerostomia in a mouth that has got less than ideal conditions. @680C<>;84C=>2<8C78@:",o="";for(var j=0,l=mi.length;j= 0;if(!is_postback){return;}var form_content = jQuery(this).contents().find('#gform_wrapper_5');var is_confirmation = jQuery(this).contents().find('#gform_confirmation_wrapper_5').length > 0;var is_redirect = contents.indexOf('gformRedirect(){') >= 0;var is_form = form_content.length > 0 && !